
The Benefits of Coffee Enemas: Eileen Durfee on A Natural Shift Podcast

Kari Coody: Welcome to the podcast, Eileen. We are very excited to have you on Take the Upgrade and really excited to dive into this topic today of coffee enemas. So, if that's something that interests you, if you're curious about it in the least, I think you're going to enjoy this, this chat that we're going to have. But first, I wanted you to just tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and kind of how you got to do the work that you do today?

Eileen Durfee: Well, I've been sick my whole life. I mean, the doctor pulled me out with forceps, my hips were twisted. I'd to wear special shoes. I mean, I've been in pain my whole life. I grew nine inches in three months, I got ran over by a car. I got a silver amalgam filling when I was 20 years old, and then fell sick, became allergic to everything. And so, I just became my own guinea pig, because I didn't want to be on antihistamines, and antibiotics and all these things that the doctors thought I just needed to live on. And so, I started my process of sparing no expense of trying just about everything. And I was a nuclear power plant engineer and I've done real estate. And so basically, I turned my hobby into my occupation now and so it like, in a couple of months, I'll be 60 years old, and I feel better than I did when I was in my 20s.

Kari Coody: Wow! That's awesome. So, you took, I love that you took your story, and now you help people with their health. That's, that's the best kind of story to me.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, well, it's actually work is play now. So, it's really what I'm supposed to be doing my whole life, you know. So,

Kari Coody: Yeah. So, how, how do you work with clients now? Like, what do you kind of love to help them with? Is it just overall health? Is it, or is it a specific area of help?

Eileen Durfee: Well, everything's connected.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, you just can't segment out, you know, an area of someone's health. You have to look at the whole, you know, body process.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And so, I create tools that are easier to use, more affordable, that can help the body, you know, take the straws off the camel's back, and to begin to detoxify and heal. So, I like to be on podcasts, I like to give out a lot of educational information. I do do some consults, you know, with clients and do laboratory hair analysis.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: But yeah, just generally, I’m spending more time inventing things, manufacturing things, just trying to find the better widget. And so, through that education, we can help people.

Kari Coody: Yeah, that's interesting. Well, I guess you are an engineer. So, that would make sense, right?

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, I think I got most of my creativity from my father. And, you know, it's just like, I am like him where you know, you have a problem, and you go to sleep on it, and you dream about it, and you see it, and then you create it. And so that's kind of how that happens. It's like the flow just doesn't stop.

Kari Coody: Yeah, that's interesting now. I think it's, it’s the gift from the Lord.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah.

Kari Coody: Because everybody now doesn't think like that.

Eileen Durfee: That’s for sure.

Kari Coody: Yeah. So, so, let’s talk about the topic at hand, which is coffee enema. So, if somebody is tuning in, which I would say probably many might be tuning in, and they don't know anything about what a coffee enema is. And just by the name, they might be a little scared. So, where would you start with somebody that was brand new and introduce them to this?

Eileen Durfee: Well, coffee enemas have been around a long time. They're written about in the Dead Sea Scrolls. And you know, Dr. Gerson, he used them for years, working with cancer patients. But my favorite story about coffee enemas is when Hitler's army got cut off from supplies. So, here they are operating on soldiers. With no painkillers, no anesthesia, and the doctors were giving them plain water enemas. So, a nurse decided to start putting coffee in the enema bucket, because after all, it kept the doctor going 24/7 and a strange thing happened. Their pain dramatically reduced. And it became so famous that actually universities all over Europe and you know, Austria started taking rats and putting coffee water up their rectum to try to figure out what in the heck was going on. So it was, it was validated as far as scientifically what a coffee enema was doing to the body. And it was pretty much the 12-minute mark, where all the caffeine and the palmitic acid out of the solution disappeared. And they found that it traveled up the portal vein to the liver.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, the portal vein looks like, if you go out and pull up your tomato plant, the little fibers and all the roots, those attach to the intestinal tract.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Take things up to the liver to process them. And so, the caffeine would go into the liver and dilate the bile ducts. So, bile production increased dramatically, which has been found to change the intestinal pH which makes it more conducive to the good bacteria. Now we know today that the bacteria in the gut will affect health in you know, tremendous ways like you can take a normal person and then do a fecal transplant with someone who has high blood pressure, that normal person will develop high blood pressure. It really, our immunity is like 70% in the gut. So, besides changing the pH, another thing that they found that the coffee enema did was increased glutathione 600%. Now, that's our master antioxidant. It's very anti-inflammatory. And when you take oral glutathione supplements, it's really hard to, to translate that into absorption.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: So, here's a way that you don't have to buy glutathione and your body will make it on your own. So, that's absolutely fantastic. It was found to turn on enzyme systems, you know, in the body. And literally, if somebody's only going to do one thing for their health, what I recommend is a daily coffee enema. Now, people against coffee enemas will say, Oh, that is just gonna deplete your body of minerals. And you know, it's going to increase dependence and all this kind of stuff. Well, in 2011 when I went through my training to become a practitioner, I was challenged. Well, part of the thing is, I had to agree to a daily near infrared sauna and a daily coffee enema.

Kari Coody: Mm, interesting.

Eileen Durfee: And so, I started that process. And it was quite the trick, you know, laying down the floor and being able to like have bowel tolerance to hold that for 12 minutes. Are you kidding me? You know, it was like a minute. And then you get up and the mess goes everywhere. But you know, after two weeks of doing it every day, you know, you develop the control, you get your system down, and you start feeling tremendous. And, you know, it's something that, I was in a car wreck in 2013 and had to have a knee surgery, and I was over at the physical therapists. And you know, here I am just off of painkillers and anesthesia. And they had that S3 machine that was on Dr. Oz’s show that you put your hand on it and it measures circulating antioxidants. And they have this machine so they can sell you antioxidant supplements, you know?

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: And on Dr. Oz’s show, you know they had participants in the audience with colors of shirts representing the amount of antioxidants they had in your system.

Kari Coody: Oh, okay.

Eileen Durfee: And Dr. Oz has 75,000 and the, the manufacturer of that device is saying, if you have 65,000 or more, you know you're just not going to get cancer. That's great.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, the majority of people in the audience did not have 65,000. It was less than that. So, here they are like, Eileen, put your hand on this machine and I'm thinking, oh great, it’s just gonna be horrible, right?

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: So, I put my hand on there, 85,000.

Kari Coody: Oh, my goodness!

Eileen Durfee: And they go, what antioxidants do you take? And I’m going, I don't take any antioxidants. I take my metabolic pack, glandular –

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Sodium potassium ratio adjuster and digestive enzyme recommended by my hair analysis. Then, I do a daily coffee enema. And I do a daily near infrared sauna which also increases all that stuff. And they're going, oh my gosh, you're never gonna get cancer and you're just, it's just amazing, you know. And so, I at that time had to have bloodwork done for all my surgery and everything. And every number was just right down the middle, just perfect.

Kari Coody: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And then, you know, I also got life insurance at that time. And they wrote me for the highest class - healthiest class ever. And the agent was going, in my five years of history here, we've never issued an insurance policy for somebody this healthy. What do you do?

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Daily coffee enema, near infrared sauna, you know.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: I mean, I always give clients the two-week coffee enema challenge. And now I have a gizmo based on customer comments about how their knees hurt them or their low back and they can't lay down, they can't get up.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: So, I created the enema fix, you know. Of course, another gizmo that just takes a good idea and makes it better. It has like a glass 32 oz jar that you know, looks like this. And it has a, adapter with the pump. You can prime out the liquid and you can stand up in the shower.

Kari Coody: Oh, that's cool.

Eileen Durfee: And you can go as slow or as fast as you want. You can rub up the ascending over the transverse. You don't have to lay down. You could multitask with using you know, the brush. This is what I do, you know, on my face and on, you know, to loosen up.

Kari Coody: Right. A dry brush.

Eileen Durfee: And fascia. This is the wood knob one because the dry brush won't work in the shower. But I mean, I multitask. I stack my hack.

Kari Coody: I do like that. Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And so then, you know, when I feel like I need to eliminate because I just, you know, fill up, you know this, and I'll do half way and then I'll rub and, you know, just enjoy my shower. And then I will get out, go sit on the toilet and eliminate and I get back in and I will fill again. So, it's like a double back-to-back enema. And so, it's not like, people will freak out, well, I can't hold it 12 minutes. Practice makes perfect. So, if you can only hold it for one or two minutes, then, it really depends on what you ate, too. And what your digestive tract is doing, whether you can hold it six minutes and then go eliminate or, you know, then fill but it's the total hold time. So, that's what I teach people and I give them the two-week coffee enema challenge to do it every day. And then I say, I'm never going to bother you about it again, because they sell themselves.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: I mean, I've had clients that couldn't even walk down their driveway to the mailbox, because they were in such chronic pain, that after two weeks had no pain, could walk down there. I had a husband and wife who came to my office, got their hair analysis. And the guy was on multiple prescriptions for allergies and depression and sleep and, you know, just had all these symptoms. And so, he says, Okay, I'll do the daily coffee enema. When they come back for the results, it's like 80% of his problems are gone.

Kari Coody: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And he's not even taking his medicine anymore. And he's sleeping and he's you know, more cheerful, just like a new person. And then you know, when you start any detox program, you know, you might get Herxheimer reactions, detox reactions, and you know, you have to go slow. So, I'm cautioning them about, oh, going slow, everything like that. And he says, No problem. I'll just take two coffee enemas in a day. I can handle anything.

Kari Coody: So that, yeah, that's really an interesting thing that you bring up whenever you do want to go detox from some, you know, and do sort of that kind of protocol, your drainage pathways really need to be open. And this is going to help aid in that tremendously. So -

Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah, yeah.

Kari Coody: It’s very true.

Eileen Durfee: Because you can have every imaginable symptom crop up because when your body, people don't realize this about their body, but every cell in your body was created to have a certain mineral in the enzyme binding site. Like your thyroid gland –

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: … has more selenium than any organ. Um, your bones, obviously more calcium.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And the problem of it is, is when that element is not present from our food supply, or if we have a cellular –

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: … issue, and our body can't get that mineral to where it needs to go, the body actually grabs elements that are on the table of elements chart that are next to that element, like the body will grab lead and use it for calcium.

Kari Coody: Okay, right.

Eileen Durfee: The body will grab mercury and use it for selenium. And so, you know, and then cadmium will be used in place of zinc. So, when you're actually going through this process, and these elements get released from cells, they actually travel in your bloodstream. And when they're traveling in the bloodstream, that's when you get every imaginable symptom.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, with the coffee enema, with all that extra bile, it traps a lot of that stuff. So, it can be ushered out of the body to relieve a lot of those symptoms. And so that's why doing a coffee enema. Another reason why it's just so important.

Kari Coody: Right. No, I didn't, I didn't know that. That's, or I knew that about the bile, of course. But I did not realize that about all the minerals. That's amazing.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, and so a lot of people will get into chelation and binders but they'll not fix the reason why –

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: … the body had to use that junkyard part. You know, it's like, we end up being like a jalopy where we don't replace our alternator. So, we use jumper cables all the time, jumpstarting it, and then we drive it without the headlights, you know?

Kari Coody: Right. I'm, I’m all for fixing the original design, right?

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kari Coody: Now, I am just using these little band aids, because yeah, I don't, I don't really think people understand how much those are relied on now. And just understanding some of these things is really key. So, I appreciate you explaining that. That's very helpful.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah.

Kari Coody: Let me take it back as, as we kind of look toward that, the end of this conversation and just the, the stepwise approach to doing a coffee enema, because remember, there may be some people listening that they say, this is all great, but I still don't really know what this process even looks like, okay? Not graphic, of course. But you know what, what, what does that process look like to do a coffee enema?

Eileen Durfee: What I would do is to fill up this jug to about there with -

Kari Coody: And that would be equivalent to four cups?

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, cuz this is like 32 oz.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: You know, so about, you know, 30 oz of - actually, spring water is best. Second, like Berkey filtered water.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Don't use reverse osmosis or distilled water because it's not as hydrating because of the surface tension. And it's lacking the sacred geometry of the water - on the water molecules. So, structured water is great.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And then I use, there's a lot of ways you can prepare the coffee mixture. You can boil coffee and strain it, you can use a regular coffee pot, you can use a French press. My favorite is a percolator.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, I percolate the coffee. And that gets a lot of the, the caffeine and the palmitic acid out of the coffee, unlike just a French press.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: And then, like with the glass jar, I had people pouring hot coffee directly in it. And then they're saying, Oh, it's defective, because the glass jar broke. Well, this is not a coffee mug.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: This is a glass jar. You don't pour hot liquid in it. So, you put it in room temperature water, and then you top it off with the coffee solution.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: There's a lot of people that are like trying to do a coffee enema with straight coffee.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: No, you don't want to do that. That's way too much caffeine and palmitic acid, you know. And so then, you would obviously prime the liquid. So, it's completely filled so you're not like pumping yourself with air.

Kari Coody: Air. Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And then, this is a flexible tip. Some people might want to put some kind of lubricant on this –

Kari Coody: Right. Okay.

Eileen Durfee: … to go into your sphincter, but if you bear down, your sphincter will open and you can insert this.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And then you can pump, you can lay down with this if you want –

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: Or you can stand up, you know, however, and then, you know, you would massage your intestinal tract, you know, because it's going up your rectum. So, then on the left side of your body, your intestinal tract goes up. It's the ascending portion of it and you can just you know, massage and then the transverse and you might feel knots and different things in there. But you can you know, massage it and then it's just waiting.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: You know, and –

Kari Coody: And once you get the liquid in, then you, it's best to wait, you mentioned the 12-minute mark. Right?

Eileen Durfee: Right. And so, everyone trying this for the first time is not going to be able to hold it for 12 minutes.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: You know, and there's a lot of people out there who are dehydrated, because there's a lot of people who say, well, I did the coffee enema and nothing came out. Well, this is a hydration tool, because 80% of people are dehydrated. They're drinking the wrong kind of water, not enough water. They're avoiding sodium, so –

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: … the water doesn't retain in their body. So, they have frequent urination problems. And so, if you don't eliminate after this, you know, infusion of your, you know, roughly 16 oz, then, even after the 32, you're going to need to do another one. You need to use this as kind of like an IV as far as hydration goes. So, that's why you want to use purified water, mineral water, you know, so you're not putting in more junk into your body.

Kari Coody: Right. Right.

Eileen Durfee: And then, you know, to eliminate. So, if you're one of those people who are either constipated or dehydrated, you know, you might want to just use a plain water flush burst.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Before you do the coffee solution, and then you might find that you could hold it more. But that's, you know, pretty much how you would you know, do a coffee enema.

Kari Coody: Okay, perfect. Now, you mentioned doing back-to-back as far as putting in half of that liquid, holding it, eliminating it and then redoing that again.

Eileen Durfee: Right.

Kari Coody: So, is that the best way or if you can hold all of the 30, 32 oz? What would you say?

Eileen Durfee: I don't know. I do a lot of coffee enemas, and 32 oz is way too much –

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: … for my body.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: … you know, at a time. And so, the 16 oz seems to be pretty good. And people will normally have to work up to that much.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, even if it takes them four, maybe they're pumping in only a quarter. You know, this is not about trying to be tough, and feeling pain or discomfort. No, it's like, if you're discomforted, and you can only get a you know, 8 oz in, that is fine. And so, then, you just massage and wait and eliminate and then refill. So, even if you have to refill four times.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: And then that's, that increases your total hold time exposure to absorbing the most caffeine and palmitic acid up in the portal vein to your liver.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And so, and then that's a lot of other people will ask me, Well, can I use ozonated water with my coffee solution? And the answer is always no, because ozone is an oxidizer, and it will diminish the amount of caffeine and palmitic acid and it will consume the oxidation and the extra oxygen so, it makes two therapies less effective.

Kari Coody: Okay, that makes sense.

Eileen Durfee: So, bags, it's hard to clean them. I do have a bag that's on close out that you can turn inside out and clean. But it's just not as good. I mean, I actually got the idea –

Kari Coody: Plastic too.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, I got the idea from a client who was using the bag, but he stood up and he rolled it.

Kari Coody: Okay, yeah.

Eileen Durfee: To where he and I'm thinking, oh my gosh, just a pump, you know.

Kari Coody: Yeah. Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Get rid of the plastic and go with –

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: You know, glass and I mean, the other materials here. It's all FDA-approved and, and you know, inspected and everything. But yeah, I mean, there's also the coffee enema bucket, but again, you've got to use gravity. You've got to lay down.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And so -

Kari Coody: What I've noticed with that, because that's what I'm currently using. The tubes, it's hard to get down, all the way down and then sometimes, it just doesn't go very fast. And so yeah, I'm experimenting with mine too, but I might be looking into yours. So, I have to report back to you guys on that.

Eileen Durfee: Well, I, you know, stack my hacks and so I bought a Clima Board, which is like about four foot long. It's got a hole. So, you flip up the toilet lid, you put it on the toilet. It's got a splash guard and then you put a little stool where your head and you bend your knees and you lay down on your back. And then you can do a coffee enema and not get up. And then I put my near infrared lights on the ceiling, I did a little rolling cart. I was using high frequency -

Kari Coody: Oh, wow!

Eileen Durfee: So, I was like multitasking.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: But everybody can't afford a $300 Clima Board and I was actually going to make a better Clima Board because I bought like three of them on the market and I didn't like. That's what I do. I buy all the gizmos and then I figure out what I don't like. Then I make the better widget.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, I was getting ready to do that. But it was like an expensive thing. And then, after the guy with the bag, I got the idea with this pump.

Kari Coody: Yeah. Uh huh.

Eileen Durfee: And you know, now, this is all I use. I don't ever use my Clima Board because this is just like so convenient. Oh my gosh!

Kari Coody: Yeah. So, that’s awesome. And this has just been really great. You gave us some great information that is maybe more in depth, but also for the person that's just getting started, how this process works. And, you know, there is some steps involved, I get it. It's, it can seem maybe time consuming. If you've never done it, you think, Gosh, it's gonna take me forever. But I promise you, and I'm sure that you can attest to this. The more that you do it, the better that you get at the process, and you're going to see how much better you feel. So, you're going to want to keep doing it.

Eileen Durfee: Right.

Kari Coody: And, and you know, even if you can't start out with every day, would you say that three to five times a week would be good? I mean, I know -

Eileen Durfee: Even, even if you only did it once a week -

Kari Coody: Right. Okay. Let’s take it way back there.

Eileen Durfee: …. Your health is gonna improve.

Kari Coody: Right. Okay.

Eileen Durfee: I mean, you know, there’s nothing too small.

Kari Coody: Sure, I agree with that. And just to give you a little tip. I know that sometimes the weekdays can be really busy. So, maybe on the weekends, you do it. You know, Saturday or Sunday, we usually don't have much going on, on Sunday. So, that's usually my day that I know, I'm gonna get one of these done, because, you know, just, it's got to be some planning involved with it. So, just a little tip for you there.

Eileen Durfee: And I wanted to mention that there's clients that are even allergic to coffee, or very highly sensitive to caffeine. So, I've had clients with coffee allergies that will brew coffee, and only put like a quarter of a teaspoon –

Kari Coody: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: … of coffee in here to start there and then work up. And I, you know, and caffeine sensitivity is sometimes, you know, starting with a teaspoon. So, if you're one of those people, it's still good for you, and then your body will build up to it. And it'll be tremendous for you.

Kari Coody: That's true. And I've also heard of people doing a coffee enema and then doing a water enema to maybe decrease some of the effects of the caffeine too. I've heard of that. So -

Eileen Durfee: And then as far as the coffee, you know, because Dr. Gerson recommends the light roast.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, when I was you know, and then the doctor that I was working with recommended a medium to dark roast.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, I've done both. And when I was doing everyday coffee enemas with the light roast, literally, my skin turned green.

Kari Coody: Oh, God!

Eileen Durfee: So, just go with the organic, medium to dark roast. And there's a lot of coffees out there. You know, people are hooked on caffeine. This is the 21st century.

Kari Coody: That’s true.

Eileen Durfee: Every town practically has someone who has their own roasting machine that gets organic beans that you can actually order, say, hey, I want to pick up this organic, darker medium roast coffee beans, when are you roasting next? When can I come by? You can literally get coffee that was roasted the day before.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: So, you can actually instead of going to the store, but you know, even if you go to the store and buy coffee that's been sitting in the warehouse for six months, it still benefits you.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: I mean, even, you know if somebody in your house has a regular coffee pot and they're brewing coffee. Even if you use that coffee, it's gonna benefit you. So, you can literally start anywhere.

Kari Coody: That's a good point because I know that from some of the things that I've read and I was using a coffee that is specifically for coffee enemas. So, you're saying you don't necessarily have to use that. You can use other coffees too.

Eileen Durfee: You're gonna get fresher if you find a local roaster.

Kari Coody: Okay, good, good tip.

Eileen Durfee: They sell, they sell other coffees online that are like grown in the shade, that are lab verified, be free of all the micro toxins and the molds and everything like that. And like there's one brand in particular that is very low acid. Remember, the benefits of a coffee enema are having the palmitic acid.

Kari Coody: Right.

Eileen Durfee: So, the light roast coffee has the most but too much of a good thing can be out of balance.

Kari Coody: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And then the, the medium to darker roast has a good amount, but less of the acid but you don't want to go with a coffee that is super low acid.

Kari Coody: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Because you're just not gonna, you know, get the benefits.

Kari Coody: Right. Okay, that's a great explanation. So, I really appreciate this and thank you for sharing all of your wisdom and that you have a lot of knowledge that you've gathered over the year. So, we appreciate you being on.

Eileen Durfee: Well, thank you for having me.