
Eileen Durfee Talks about her Wellness Journey at the High Energy Women Podcast with Rachel Jennings

Rachel Jennings: Good morning, everyone and welcome back to the High Energy Women online summit, where our vision is to help women step into their power to heal, to break free from burning out and to supercharge your energy. We really hope that this conversation today will inspire you to take action, to live life with more passion and more purpose for the things that are meaningful to you. Today, we're excited to highlight Eileen Durfee, owner of Creatrix Solutions. Eileen is a practitioner, she's an innovator. She's a former nuclear power plant quality engineer, big one, inspector, auditor and real estate builder and developer.

She became sick due to chemical exposure. She endured injuries and had poor posture. She suffered from chronic pain, allergies, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism and a lack of energy to live a fulfilling life. These symptoms resulted from her body not eliminating the toxins to which she was regularly exposed. And from growing nine inches in three months. A tall woman, I love that. Then being ran over by a car. Her story is really inspiring. She tried various medications, diets, therapies and more to help recover her health. On a quest to heal her body, she discovered what solutions worked, and she wanted to use her knowledge and experience to help others. Her journey to overcome her health issues led her to become an innovator, a businesswoman, with seven utility patents, three design patents and more in the process.

She founded her, her own health company called Creatrix Solutions to create and to distribute natural healing products worldwide. She offers various health solutions through online web stores, including spinal fitness equipment, near infrared saunas, air purifiers, ozone generators, and healing food salts. Eileen understands back pain, toxic home and work environments, and she knows firsthand what it's like to suffer as a result. Her experience very much motivates her to create the best possible health solutions, to protect the family, your friends and consumers from a toxic world. Her passion is spinal fitness. Let's see if I don't - if I can get this name right, Dr. John –

Eileen Durfee: Scherger. Scherger.

Rachel Jennings: Scherger. Okay, so she uses Dr. John Scherger’s methods to evaluate athletic ability to spot physically superior athletes that are less prone to injuries, and how to make weaker players structurally stronger. She explains why the New England Patriots implemented spinal fitness into their training programs, and how these methods spread to the New York Giants, the New York Jets and also the Dallas Cowboys. Finally, the secrets for gaining the advantage that reduce injuries, shorten recoveries, increase flexibility and speed and improve overall athleticism are revealed by Eileen. It’s a great bio, Eileen. I'm so excited to be featuring you. There's so much there. But thank you for taking the time today to chat.

Eileen Durfee: Sure. Well, you know, any of us that have faced health challenges know, there's no silver bullet. And so, you know, one thing leads to another and you know, you start small and you start feeling all the benefits of what you're doing. So, it's encouraging to do more.

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm. I always like to start, you kind of like briefly described it in the bio a little bit about your personal journey that led you to do the work that you do today. What was the biggest part of your journey that led you to starting your own business and helping women heal?

Eileen Durfee: Well, I mean, I feel like I’m in my fourth life in this life, you know. I've always been able to be good at whatever I would do. But literally, when I was to the point of not remembering, you know why I went into a room. I mean, this is before cell phones. I mean, I had a tablet, a reporter's tablet and I lived by that tablet, you know, to function. And, you know, it was rewarding working in the Nuclear Power Plant Industry, but then they were either mothballed, you know, or finished and I didn't want to work where I was exposing my body to radiation. You know, it was bad enough back then. They didn't have ventilators, you know, to protect you from welding fumes and all this other stuff, you know. So –

Rachel Jennings: Yep.

Eileen Durfee: And nowadays, the work environments with OSHA are so much different. So, you know, it was kind of a forced transition, you know. During the nuclear power plant industry, I mean, I spent pretty much all my money on real estate. So I was, you know, short plating, long plating, you know, had rental units, you know, did all those kinds of things. And, you know, so then, with my extra money, I was always trying diets and things, you know, or, you know, back then, you know, getting the sauna, doing saunas, and, you know, it was just always this passion that I couldn't stop, because I could not believe that I needed medications. I, I believe that, you know, if my body just had what it needed, you know, it has that healing force, that creative force within it, to be able to heal.

So, I just was my own guinea pig, you know. It's like, there's a lot of inventors in my family. And that's just the way it works. You know, it's like, I buy a gizmo, you know, I think, well, this is inconvenient, or I wish it was like that. And then I go to sleep. And then I see it like in a blueprint. It's just like, I, I just wake up. I, you know, and so I had this passion and this drive to create. And so, when I was, you know, you know, I transitioned out of being a realtor and a land developer running construction crews and designing houses in AutoCAD to managing nonprofit corporations. And when I moved, I had an opportunity where I had a big office. And so, my management company, it wasn't like a full-time job for me, so I could do something else.

So that's when I got a website. I mean, I went back to school to learn the science of nutritional balancing for hair analysis. And, and that's when my life really changed, because I saw a lot of changes. You know, before I was like, I just switched from drugs chasing symptoms to natural supplements chasing symptoms, you know. And I didn't have the knowledge back then that, you know, all that extra calcium and magnesium I was taking to sleep and to calm myself down. And, you know, it was actually causing my joint pain, you know. And just all these things and when I learned about hair analysis that we need to fix the reason why your body will use a junkyard part so that it can freely detoxify, lay up the preferred minerals, so you're not like a jalopy anymore, you know, surviving with duct tape and baling wire, you know. And so then I realized I needed better detoxification, and I didn't like, you know, the standard, you know, coffee enema kits, or, you know, just everything, you know, even from the sauna. I mean, I had a sauna that was a far infrared. That's back when we went from pouring water over rocks to doing an infrared sauna that was mainly far infrared. But then we didn't know when it was like huge amounts of EMF blasting your body. And –

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And I heard that near infrared with an incandescent bulb sauna was best. And my son was at the University of Washington, you know, doing chemistry and biology and I'm going, What is this thing? Why is it I sweat with this? And he’s going, Oh, Mom, you gotta read about photobiomodulation and he sent me all this stuff, you know. So, I started learning and I got myself an incandescent bulb, near infrared sauna. And even though there are things that I didn't like about it, and I didn't sweat as much on day one, but every day I did it, I started sweating more. And then I had this energetic feeling over me, like, I felt so clean, and I felt so energized that then it's like, okay, this person isn't prejudiced, it is really better. And then –

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: Then, it’s like, I wanted it more convenient. I wanted things to work better. So, I would have these dreams where I would see it. And so then I would draw it, you know, in AutoCAD and then I would you know, have prototypes made and. And so, it just got to the point where I was just being divinely directed to leave, you know. The nonprofit corporation property management is what I was doing, you know. I was doing the complete financials of board meeting packets, and, you know, interaction with the members and all of that, to the point where, you know, I just wanted to go full time into the health. So, you know, it was just kind of this journey to where I was feeling so good. I mean, I'm 60 years old now.

Rachel Jennings: I was gonna say, you look great. You look like you’re fit. You look great.

Eileen Durfee: I feel better than I did when I was, ever, ever. I mean, and so, you know, it was just kind of an, you know, evolution because the things you think about become your life.

Rachel Jennings: Yes, yes.

Eileen Durfee: You know, and so, I just naturally the way I'm wired and created, I guess, I think about solving problems, creating solutions, but my interest is all about being able to feel energetic, sleep good, wake up with a positive attitude. And when you're sick, it is so hard.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: And, and, you know, and I suffered so long. I think now, if I would have known some of the things I do now, back when I was younger, wow, my life would have been so different. And so, if I can actually make a living, and then positively impact people by giving them their life back, you know, it's just, it's just, I finally feel like now I mean, work is not work to me. It is play; you know. And that's the thing is that to have a fulfilling life, you know, you need to have your heart in line with what you're deciding in your mind. You know, there's a lot of people that are living unhappy lives. And I know that that's a big component besides the toxins in our world that are causing illness. And so, there's this whole being you know, your spirit, your soul, your mind, your body. And we don't have a choice anymore. With our food supply being mineral deplete, the toxins were exposed to –

Rachel Jennings: Glyphosate, mm hmm.

Eileen Durfee: We need to constantly be on some kind of a health maintenance program or we’re detoxifying or, you know, exercising. We're moving, we're, you know, outside watching the sunrise and sunset and grounding. And I mean, it's really, we're, we have the 21st century disease, we're indoors way too much.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: And yeah -

Rachel Jennings: I couldn’t agree more.

Eileen Durfee: It just impacts everything. So that's kind of like my journey is, I was just, I was just kind of led.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah, and I like, I'm just getting a hint that I'm going to start calling you the, the intuitive innovator. Intuitive innovator, I love that. That's a great story. And I think it really encapsulates, you know, for a lot of people that aren't, you know, kind of advanced or haven't really, don't know where to start. You mentioned that you changed from let's say, prescription medications to you know, or, you know, harmful kind of supplements to natural supplements, treating symptoms, you know, just chasing, but you just went from one thing to another. And I really think that detox is the number one strategy I think people need to start with these days. And –

Eileen Durfee: I agree.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah, so I'd love to chat with you a little bit about that. We've had so many speakers talk about binders and chlorella and zeolites. And your strategies that you have are just very, very advanced and I think they’re, they’re so timely for you know, what's going on. So, let's talk a little bit about detox and what strategies and tools you have and why you think it's so important? I know you said why you think it's so important but what do you have for women that can help them?

Eileen Durfee: Well, maybe I should go over like my, what I've created to be my daily routine.

Rachel Jennings: I love that.

Eileen Durfee: You know, because like I said, there's no silver bullet you know. We need to kind of help the whole-body function. And so, water is big, you know, drinking some spring water. I love the Mountain Valley water because being in glass, yes. And just the minerals because you know, drinking - I'd say, 80% of disease is because people are dehydrated or drinking the wrong kind of water. Okay.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, let's get that. That's like the basis you know. If you have to set your reminder to drink water because it's also not about drinking it all at once. It's you know, throughout the day. But, you know, in the morning, what I do is, I make a glass of ozonated water. And that's like a whole podcast just on the benefits of ozone. But it's something that releases oxygen in the body. I mean, hydrogen water is great, too. I have a hydrogen maker, but I haven't, I need to move it. So, I'll be doing that because that's an antioxidant, you know, but I also and I did that on an empty stomach. And then I do a near infrared sauna. You know, so you can get the blood shunting. We can kind of maybe go into that in detail later. But I do the dry skin brushing. I mean, that activates the lamp. And before I go in, I drink spring water with Healthy Salt, which is the most expensive salt in the world. But it's 20% minerals versus you know, Himalayan that's 0.8%.

You know, it's like for a little tiny scoop serving size, you have 6800 parts-per million magnesium versus one part-per million in Himalayan, I mean. Plus, it has a negative charge, and 11.72 pH. So, if anybody's read anything about Dr. Gerald Pollack’s work on the exclusion zone water, or the work of doc - Your Body's Many Cries for Water, Dr. Batman, and I, I don't know how to pronounce his last name. It's an Indian name. But see, you need those minerals, you need the salt because salt acts like an anti-histamine. It sucks, it helps retain the water. But you know, when we're dehydrated, our body will squeeze our blood vessels to wring out water, to send it through our nerve sheaths to the more important places like it'll defend your bone marrow before your joint cartilage. But the wonderful thing about detox and Healthy Salt is, it causes you know Exclusion Zone water to expand. And you know you're going to be in the sauna. So, you're going to get that 3000 nanometers shining on you, which expands it more.

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm, from the light, mm hmm.

Eileen Durfee: But it's going to cause protons to go inside the cell, which the lysosomes, those are heroes inside our cells that clean up all the molecular debris. They have to have protons to drop their Ph. And when their PH is lower, and the outside is higher, it creates this differential where it produces hydroelectricity. So, and it just really causes the body to, well, it loves those minerals that they're, it's almost the same ratio as the Quinton Marine plasma. Yeah, it doesn't have the plankton in it, but the body loves it so it'll freely give up instead of you know, like a zeolite ripping. It's like the body says, I won the lottery, oh my gosh, the new car parts are here, you know, and it just gets rid of the junk. And then when you're in the sauna, then you're sweating you know because you've done your skin brushing before. You're sweating. And then after I get done with my sauna, I do a coffee enema and I have a gizmo to stand up in the shower, no mess. Makes it easy so that makes you buy in to act as the binder, you know to mop up all that stuff and then you know, I do my spinal fitness exercises at least three days a week and then I do weightlifting because you know as I age or anyone, the biggest thing is, losing your muscle mass and you don’t realize that your organs are muscles too. And so, when you lose muscle mass, you're damaging your organs and so it's very critical to really get engaged you know in weightlifting. And you can do weightlifting in a way, supersetting and everything else that it's almost like a high intensity interval training workout but just you know doing all this cardio.

Yes, cardio but not you know like you would, you would think. And so, I mean I've been on this journey cuz I was like 30 pounds heavier than I am now. I was a size like 14. I'm size six now. And the only thing I did to get here was to start going out with bare feet in the morning with first three hours, getting some sun, and then doing the intermittent fasting, where I would eat in an eight-hour window, so nothing really radical. And you know, I've always eaten a really pretty, not a junky diet, not super strict, cuz after being in a position of being allergic to everything, and not being able to eat the same thing within 72 hours and having to carry an EpiPen, and all this, it's like, yeah, you know what, I'll eat some things that maybe aren't on my diet, occasionally with moderation. And so, I, I really didn't like go on this huge diet. I mean, I make sure I have adequate protein. Many people do not get the grams of protein that they need for their body. And so, you know, I've just, you know, done these simple things and that keeps me detoxified, you know, and replenish with good minerals. And see, the thing that a lot of detox experts don't talk about, is adaptation of the body where the body, it's just like, if you have the key to your front door, you'll use it with a body if the preferred mineral or new cardboard is there, and it has the means to use it, it'll use it. It prefers it over the junk.

So, if we can give the body, you know what it needs, even if we're exposed to some of these things, it's more likely to utilize, you know, the good mineral and be able to shed off, you know, the toxins because our body is always detoxifying. You know, unfortunately, these days, there's a lot of people with genetic mutations who don't have the ability to detoxify as much as others. And now, I'm getting into this whole new because I never stop learning, where I've gotten my –

Rachel Jennings: 23andMe?

Eileen Durfee: Do all the, the saliva testing every four hours for 24 with the urine, and then also the metabolites in the urine for all the hormones, you know, so I can see that I have a really low risk for breast cancer, but my risk for uterine and ovarian are higher, because now I'm not metabolized, and that's because of the genetic mutation. So, I've had the, you know, blood tests for that done. And I'm utilizing these topical creams now, based on my test results. And it was interesting, you know, because you're working out, you know. Even it's like all this, okay, so whey protein, casein, and, you know, egg and the ratios, and like collagen. Because of my genetic mutations, the collagen was like poison to me and it was –

Rachel Jennings: Let’s talk about it. Yes.

Eileen Durfee: … over competing for these other pathways, and it screwed me all up. And when I got the test, the guy's going, Wow, you're an anomaly. I don't know how you have so much energy, but it's because I'm doing the coffee enemas, the saunas, drinking the ozonated water, and doing all of these things to support my body. But you know, I sense, I realize, okay, you know, I can't use this because of these pathways and now, I'm using a topical cream to help utilize and balance other pathways. It's like, and I've been on this now for three months, and I'm getting my retesting, but, man, I am sleeping even better. It's like, my dream and my deep sleep are like 20% and 25% of my sleep.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: I mean, it's just like, oh my gosh, and so I'm gonna be getting more into that because, you know, we just all are so different.

Rachel Jennings: Yes, yes, bio-individuality. There are so many goodies that you just talked about in regards to your daily routine. So, a couple just stand out to me that, that I really, really admire that you bring in detox number one, but you also bring in that, the mineralization part of it, because I think a lot of women think it's just detox detox detox, and they're detoxing too long that they become really depleted. So -

Eileen Durfee: Exactly, because you know, chelators even if they're natural, they're nondiscriminatory. They take the good with the bad. And generally, everybody is low in minerals because of our food supply. I mean, even organic. I've read some studies where organic foods, even though they didn't use pesticides and herbicides didn't have very many minerals in it. So just because you're eating organic does not mean your body's getting what it needs.

Rachel Jennings: Yes. Let's talk a little bit about. So, I know that you mentioned the Quinton minerals which is just a brand of some sea minerals. But how does that - does the minerals differ than from your Healthy Salt?

Eileen Durfee: Well, Quinton Marine plasma, there's a mile-wide vortex between France and Spain where this guy, you know, at the turn of the century was extracting seawater and processing it. He was injecting people and curing every disease known to man. Well, he got killed in the war, and there was like a million people at this guy's funeral. And it, you know, balanced the extra and intracellular minerals, you know, with people and gave him the nutrition with the plankton. And, you know, as far as the differences go, I met this Korean acupuncturist, you know, at a trade show, and he had all, you know, because I was just going between all the different sea salts and natural salts, you know, and he had these glasses there, and he'd put a pinch of all of them in there, and they would still remain acid. And when he put a pinch of the Healthy Salt, it went way alkaline.

So I go, Okay, I'm gonna do this. So, what I did is, I cut my hair right at my scalp, half inch, and I did it six months in a row. So, I was on the salt one month, off, on off, on off to see what was going on with my body. And then, because I dumped like a lifetime amount of cadmium. I mean, the doctor I was working with has never seen so much cadmium come out of somebody. And so, then I'm of course analyzing the salt. Is there cadmium in the salt? What did I just do to myself.

Rachel Jennings: Right.

Eileen Durfee: You know? And no, there wasn't any. And so, it's like, my –

Rachel Jennings: You were chelating it out?

Eileen Durfee: It was, it was just like, it was just like giving it up. It's, it’s like, if your body has sequestered a poison, that will work at maybe 10% to 15% because every cell is an enzyme binding site that needs a mineral.

Rachel Jennings: Mm, mm hmm. Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: So, if it can't get the right mineral, it'll use a substitute. That doesn't work as well but that's adaptation. Because, you know, it's like your body doesn't have the key to the front door. So, it runs around to the backyard, it climbs up the ladder, breaks in a window. It gets you to where you're going, but it consumed a massive amount of energy. So, it's like, the body just loves those minerals. And so, I started researching all of that because I used nuclear power plants, you know, for every metal I use, you had a certificate mineral analysis form and it had to be within standards.

So, I collected all the salt certificate mineral analysis that had been published, and I reviewed every single one of them. And then when I came across a Quinton Marine plasma, it was interesting how the ratios of the minerals are super similar to Healthy Salt. So, it's like that's why the body loves it so much. It's easier to take. I mean, there's still instances where I really recommend doing the Quinton Marine plasma, you know, because it does have that plankton in there which is very, you know, beneficial. But with the Healthy Salt, I mean, people just start with what balances on a toothpick. I mean, literally, it doesn't take much to see results. If, if people would look at the reviews on the website, you think this was like snake oil. You know, like it fixes everything. It’s like, wow!

Rachel Jennings: And I think really too for women, I think that the missing link too, everybody's collagen right now is the big, you know, is the big thing on the market, but I think the minerals in the salt. I have never had, you know, I was a former fitness competitor. I had adrenal fatigue, I had hair shedding, hair falling out, you know, like no glow to my skin. So, I think the Healthy Salt and the minerals, like you said really displace halogens from toxic minerals that are on the receptor sites. For example, bromine from you know, bread and –

Eileen Durfee: Yeah.

Rachel Jennings: … you know displaces you know, a lot of your, your, your thyroid, you know, the, the thyroid -

Eileen Durfee: Mercury.

Rachel Jennings: … benefit.

Eileen Durfee: … and yeah. But I think people don't realize that, like aluminum will replace magnesium. You know, cadmium replaces zinc. You know, it's just like lead replaces calcium, you know. And so, it's, it's a big, a big deal when your body can just - it's like, if you fix the reason why it had to use the junk by giving it what it needs in a, in a way that it can absorb.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: That’s, you know -

Rachel Jennings: That’s key. Mm hmm. You talked a little bit about bile. I think a lot of people don't know bile that there's, there's a lot more kind of publicity around it now with things like TUDCA, things like that, but I think coffee enemas are a great place to start. What is the difference with your coffee enema versus, you know, maybe a laying down coffee enema?

Eileen Durfee: Well, a lot of people with back and knee issues, or lack of bowel control, you know, it gets messy, you know, or painful. So, let's say you get down there, and it's time to eliminate. When you go to stand up, you know, fecal water is just gonna go everywhere, unless you like, kind of have like a catch bucket. And, you know, it's just uncomfortable. And, you know, I used to have a Clima Board that, you know, it's about five foot long. You flip the toilet lid up, and you put a stool underneath, and you can lay down and I had a big day with an ozonator, you know, to just lay down. I had sauna lights on the ceiling.

I mean, I was like, multitasking, you know, scarifying and, you know, but - and so I bought every one that they made, like usual seeing what I didn't like, you know. And it was just going to be super expensive. I mean, $300, you know. Who for a coffee enema is going to invest that. So, then I had this customer who did coffee enemas, and I had this bag that you could turn inside out and clean because not all bags are like that. But he used to stand up and do a coffee enema, and he would roll the bag. And that got me the idea of hey, I need a pump. So, I started off with this little pump bottle, just putting basically vaginal tips on a rectal deal. But it was just too small and everything else. And so, I ended up getting an FDA approved you know, pump set up with – and I mean, an adapter to go on a glass jar with the handle, and I made that tube longer because that's the other thing.

People are saying, oh, you know, the tube is too short, doesn't hold enough water. I want glass. And so now I have the enema fix which is a stand up, no mess enema kit that you just, you have to pump it to prime out the liquid. And then, you know, it's got the draw straw. And you know, it's basically I fill up halfway, you know, finish my shower, you know. I've got like a wooden brush, kind of like a fascia blaster that I use on my neck and face and you know. And so then, when I get the urge to eliminate, I just walk out of the shower and sit on the toilet. Then, I go back in and then I fill, use the rest of the fluid. It’s the same thing. So, ideally total hold time should be 12 minutes.

Rachel Jennings: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: But I always tell people, if they start - if you can't hold it for more than one minute, that's fine. You know, it's like, I give them the two-week coffee, daily coffee enema challenge. And I mean, coffee enemas are big because I was in the car wreck and I had knee surgery. And I was in rehab. I mean, I think I just had finished my pain pills here. I'd been on anesthesia and everything. And this physical therapy place had that S3 machine that measures circulating antioxidants that was on the Dr. Oz show years ago. And they use it to sell you antioxidants. And so here they go, Eileen, put your hand on this. I'm going, oh my gosh, this is going to be bad. And I had more antioxidants than Dr. Oz on the show. You know and then, the rep is going, oh my gosh, you're never gonna get cancer. What antioxidants are you taking? And I am going, well, I don't take any. I do the daily coffee enema, near infrared sauna. I mean, both of those increase.

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm, I'm thinking of, Yeah, the, the coffee -

Eileen Durfee: You know –

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Our, you know, antioxidants, you know, I mean –

Rachel Jennings: Yeah, the glutathione.

Eileen Durfee: Goes up 600% from a coffee enema -

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm which a lot of people don't know. It’s a huge benefit.

Eileen Durfee: Huge.

Rachel Jennings: It goes right into your portal vein, and, you know, it stimulates glutathione which is you know, it's better than, you know, trying to take a glutathione that doesn't get digested in your stomach, you know, with –

Eileen Durfee: Yeah.

Rachel Jennings: … all the things that are happening. So that's amazing.

Eileen Durfee: I'm, I’m working on a topical glutathione, 1/4 teaspoon 225 mg and it's showing and testing that 80% of it getting absorbed because some people don't like to do a coffee enema daily. And so, they could you know, when they're not doing their coffee enema, do the glutathione but now I just recently found out from my mutations for like not metabolizing certain estrogens, that I need more than what I'm getting from my coffee enemas. So, I'm using that topical cream.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: And so, yeah.

Rachel Jennings: I love topical, especially for people. I mean, so many people have issues with gut, you know, gut permeability. And you know, so that's, that's great. Let's talk about your ozones. I know your ozones are different. You have, you have ozones, but you also have ionizers that you mentioned. So, give us a little brief intro about the ionizers that actually go in the sauna?

Eileen Durfee: Well, you know you breathe. That's your number one exposure to chemicals and toxins, because you're breathing all the time. And so clean air is really important. And I actually had a dream, well, that was a lucid dream because I was awake, but not asleep on an airplane. And I saw this little gizmo on a tray table. So, I already had an air purifier.

So, I just had my engineer. I said, it has to plug into a power bank, you know, like you charge your phone or whatever so you can go without power and do it. And so, we made it. And then, I started doing all the lab testing and of course, I had read about the sauna studies in Europe. They really believe that half the benefits from a sauna are the ions that you're inhaling. I mean, if you inhale 20,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, that's the size of a sugar cube, that your rectal temperature won't go down, trying to, you know, adapt to the heat. And your sweat volume doubles.

You know, your core body temperature goes up. Your blood electrolytes change. And when you asked the people that were hotter, they were actually more comfortable than the people that weren't as hot, not sweating as much. And then even when you get out, when they got out of the sauna, the rectal temperature continued to rise. But the other aspect that really got me because when I saw it on a tray table, when I was in an airplane, and I saw all these people getting coughing and getting sick, and I was breathing safe. So that's why I call it the Breathe Safe. But it, it is really a powerful air cleaner like the LAX airport uses giant plasma air purifiers to clean up the jet fumes. It's not just a negative ion generator. It produces 19,100,000 negative ions to 4,550,000 positive.

So, it's this ratio that causes this really electrically charged and visible cloud that's like cleaning the air of all kinds of things. And then it predominantly leaves a lot of negative ions leftover like I like, you know, if I'm sitting in my sauna, you know, from the floor to my nose, it’s like 40 inches. So, I had it tested on the Breathe Safe. So, how much am I really breathing because it all gets used up, you know. And so, it turned out to be 56,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. I'm going, Great, we needed at least 20 in the sauna. Awesome, you know.

Rachel Jennings: True, true, true.

Eileen Durfee: And then, I had people having them kind of like their personal space air purifier because it doesn't have a fan. So, it doesn't have a rating for like, well, how many square feet does that clean? You know, but that wasn't the purpose of why it was kind of inspired to create this machine. And so, it, you know, was cleaning air, making it rich but something else was going on. People were reporting that, Eileen, you know, I was at my desk. And you know, I just come over from the kitchen and I was having an asthma attack. But I started breathing over the Breathe Safe and I didn't have to use my asthma inhaler. I've got people that are off sleep apnea equipment now.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And when they sleep with it, they start breathing through their nose. They don't have to take their mouth anymore. There's something. So, I sent it back to the lab to find out why is this happening? What's going on? And I found out that it increases background oxygen levels 70% to 118%.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: Here we do all this breath work and exercise to increase oxygen levels. But here we got a little hack that we can point at us when we're at our desk to increase our oxygen, overcome the positive poisonous ions from our computer screens and our electronics and breathe fresh air.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: And, but then, you know you think about it. When you're in the sauna, even if it's not a sauna where you have the water to pour over the rocks, the humidity rises. And where does that water come from? It's coming off your skin, you're sweating. Then I read sauna, you know, some studies about analyzing sweat on somebody who's exercising, you know, stimulating a sympathetic dominant nervous system and that's mainly minerals. But sauna sweat is not. It's like full of the toxins –

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm, big difference.

Eileen Durfee: You know, with, with a little bit of minerals, but then, that gets humidified. Here, I'm in the sauna trying to detoxify. Yeah, I'm rebreathing that path.

Rachel Jennings: Or if you have somebody in the sauna with you if you have a big enough sauna.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, yeah. And so, the Breathe Safe cleans up that toxic, humidified sauna sweat. It gives you the extra oxygen. You're getting the negative ion therapy so you're less stressed but sweating and detoxing more. I mean, it's just a win-win. And so that's what the Breathe Safe is for. You can sleep with it. You can put it in your car. You can cross body bag. You can have it on the battery pack. It'll run 72 hours continuously on a 20,000-milliamp hour battery pack.

Rachel Jennings: Wow! I'm just thinking for the airplane or for traveling, you know –

Eileen Durfee: Yeah.

Rachel Jennings: Great, super portable, super portable.

Eileen Durfee: The thing about airplanes is, they'll let you take it through. Some stewardesses will question you about it if you have it on and others won't because I haven't got it you know FAA, you know approved so to speak and it's like too new. People don't understand you know, what it is.

Rachel Jennings: Right. Right. Yeah. We’ll check that I'm sure. What about, you have some things behind you. I thought earlier that they were weights but they're actually the neck shaper. And I think women, you know, for women, they always want the, you know, the thin and long neck. So, tell us a little bit about your neck shaper?

Eileen Durfee: Well, these are the rolls.

Rachel Jennings: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: My neck, my neck shaper you know.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah. Okay.

Eileen Durfee: I have to run into the other room to grab the actual device. This is an empty box.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Basically, it's got a chin in a, in a pad that you put on your face. And you just like, if you're agreeing with somebody, you're nodding, that's C5. Okay, so here we are over at our desk, you know, on our phones, you know, gravity's going like this. We want to, we want to get you know, reverse gravity. And then the rolls, our foam rolls are really different than all the other foam rolls out there. The other foam rolls are really kind of hard. These are squishy. And the purpose of it, this groove, the spinous on the spine, that's, let me grab that. This is the bone right here.

Rachel Jennings: It's show and tell time. So, I love that you have your toys. It's a lot easier to, to picture it when you show people.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. So, you can't change the muscle attachments to bones. And everybody is stiff. If you stand up, your hamstrings are tight. You got; you don't have the right curvature. And yeah, stretching, yoga and all this stuff helps but it's like refusing to remove a nail from your tire and carrying around a compressed air can. As far as the root cause of your tight muscles is what we want to deal with. I'm all into flexibility and stretching. Don't get me wrong, but do we want to fix why you have these tight muscles, improve your structure. See, good structure is an S shaped curve.

So, when you're standing in gravity, it’s like very easy to stand up. But if you have a flat back, it's, it's hard for me, for me to hold this up and balance it. And, you know, then you're pinching nerves, you're wearing off bones, you're putting more compression on your discs. So, if you don't have ideal posture, it's prematurely aging you. So, with this, because again, gravity, you can't, you know, is our enemy, and we can't change muscle attaches to bone.

So, what we do is, we do this spinal twist, you know, which increases blood flow into the spinal discs. And normally, they're like a firm sponge. But when you do that twist and get the nourishment in there, and the hydration in there, they turn to a kind of like a liquid gel, and they become moldable. So, then we teach you just like Dr. Scherger had us do is, you basically lay down, and you put these under your body, you know, with your spinous in here, and then it catches. See, the neat thing about this is, these are called the transverse process. Okay, so when you are in here, the spinous floats, but the transverse process get caught there. Then, with the weight of your body when you lay down over this because you put one under your neck, and you put one you know, one inch above the hip. When you're laying down, gravity let's go. The muscles don't have to be tight anymore to hold your bones from falling on your face, you know.

Rachel Jennings: And I've actually never seen one and I have a foam roller, but it's not – it’s hard. And it's, you can't put it on your neck because it, you know, for too long, it hurts. So that one is amazing.

Eileen Durfee: These don't hurt, it's not supposed to hurt. And see, this is not about myofascial release. This is about increasing curvature. These come in five different diameters, three different densities. So, if you have a flat back, you're gonna start with a smaller curve, you know, smaller diameter, softer unit and you know, depending on the neck, but you lay there literally on properly sized rolls. You hear your bones pop, as the muscles release, and they go into a better alignment, both segmentally and then also for the curvature, the S shaped curve. And so, you lay there for 20 minutes. And then you roll over and get up and you actually, it makes a huge difference. There's a little boy, 12 years old, had a trampoline accident. His father had taken him to chiropractors, physical therapists, he was having seizures. We fitted him for the rolls. I taught him the back twist. A month later, the dad comes back and he says, Eileen, he’s never had a seizure since.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: He takes those rolls everywhere with him in his backpack. I mean, because of our brain stem, every nerve in our body goes through there. And if we're not in the right shape, we're having diminished neurological signals to our organs.

Rachel Jennings: And oxygen flow to the brain. Mm hmm.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, the, the neck and the back shaper rolls are key. But like with, you know, I usually have my neck shaper one where I can just do standing up. You know, it's like when your, your monitor says drink water, you know, move. Then, I just do about five or six neck flexions to make up for being at my desk.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: But, in my regular workout, I clamp it onto an ordinary barbell. And then I have like, there's the power cushion with the neck support. So, I'm arching over it and I do like 40 pounds on my neck.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And then I'm doing sit-ups over the power cushion and it works the rectus and then the external obliques for the abdominal but it puts that low back curve in there. And then there's a pelvic tilt, which is fantastic because, you know, I've talked to physical therapists about it and they said, well, there's no way we could do that otherwise without this equipment, but you put a, it's like a train on a train track. You know, you've got this groove and you're putting your body on top of it. And then when you put weight on top of the body so you've got the direction and the muscle pull with the weight so you're creating leverage. And then, it actually shears back L4-L5 herniated discs.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: It's just absolutely amazing. I'm, I’m so fascinated with spinal fitness. I mean, Leonardo da Vinci, Borelli and Pettibon had previously written about spinal biomechanics. Borelli calculated like a man with 100 pounds on the shoulder walking, what translated into compression and shear forces in the spine. It was like over 25,000 pounds. And so, we don't really realize biomechanically what we're doing to ourself, you know. And so, with Dr. Scherger study, it was the first time that anybody has evaluated the shear forces and compression forces of every joint in the spine, and to prove then what shape had the mechanical advantage. And having an S shaped spine is a 15 to 1 mechanical advantage muscularly.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And so, people don't realize like, if you're going to run, if your low back is not the perfect S-shaped curve, it will force your foot to land sooner, it will not give you full stride length.

Rachel Jennings: Um, interesting.

Eileen Durfee: So, depending on that low back curve, you know, how bad it is or how good it is will give you stride length and see, if you're standing up. See, the postural muscles are short muscles, and they fatigue easily. All right. So, when those get to the point of fatigue, what the body does is, it takes over with the long muscles. Okay, those are the ones meant for running the fast twitch. So, here you are. You've got loss of curve in your low back. So already, your stride length is forced to be shorter. But that muscle strength expenditure to keep your body erect is never available. So those fast twitch muscles can't give you the speed because they're occupied.

Rachel Jennings: And for all the [0:52:38 cross talk] out there. Mm hmm, yep.

Eileen Durfee: And so, I do this evaluation with athletes. I've them tie their hamstrings, bend over at the hips, don't [0:52:52 cross talk] with the thoracic. How far can you reach? I have them jump up, do they land forward or backward? I have them raise their arms up, you know, how far are they at a 45 or a 30? Or are they straight up? You know, turning their head, are they leading with their chin or their eyes and how far can they turn. And then I spend 10 minutes and I have them do the sit-up. I have them roll on the Back Trac. You know, because this is soft and squishy. Again, lets the spinous float. It's just amazing. It'll put your ribs in place. Then, I have them do the pelvic tilt and the neck flexion. And on my website, you can see UFC fighter, Chito. He was three inches from touching his fingertips from the ground. 10 minutes later, you can see how far he can reach.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: And, and you know, it's just like I had one guy get an 11-inch reach in my session.

Rachel Jennings: Wow!

Eileen Durfee: I work with Major League Baseball players, UFC fighters, you know, NFL players and it's like, they all say, there's nothing that works like this. See, Dr. Scherger died in 2016 and he worked with Ron O'Neil at the New England Patriots. Ron O'Neil was there as a strength and conditioning coach for 26 years and then he retired but you know, they, it's kind of like, if you're a runner, and you invented the tennis shoe and nobody else had the tennis shoe. It's like for you to win, you'd want the tennis shoe and not to give it to anybody else. That’s what it was like with these NFL teams.

Rachel Jennings: Wow! Wow!

Eileen Durfee: It never went anywhere until like Markus Paul went to the New York Giants. You know, Woicik, a strength and conditioning coach went to the Dallas Cowboys. And when you look at when they, those teams are winning the Super Bowls is when they were actively using spinal fitness. As far as don't do these exercises, do these ones instead because body muscle overload training does not make a strong Joint.

Rachel Jennings: No.

Eileen Durfee: And there's a lot of exercises out there that athletes are doing that are destroying their curvature. And you know, making them more susceptible to injuries. It's making, you know, their career end sooner than it should.

Rachel Jennings: And even their passions. I think a lot of people that are just kind of part time athletes just enjoy it. You know, I mean, once, once you reach 40, your knees are shot, or, you know, you're always hunched over.

Eileen Durfee: And did you know, like if, let's say your trunk is 100 pounds, and you're standing up straight. There's zero hamstring effort and there's like less than 100 pounds, you know, on your knees, you know, because you deal with compression and shear forces. So, let's say, you have a total of two-inch forward, maybe because of a little bit of loss of low back curve and maybe your head. You know, it’s maybe an inch here and an inch there. The hamstring effort goes to 843 pounds, and you're translating over 600 pounds to the knees. So why are our knees going bad because you don't have the S shaped spine. And the low back pain alone in the United States, this has nothing to do with neck. It's $100 billion a year industry. So obviously, the exercises we're teaching our kids, the sit-up. The regular sit-up. Let me show you this. The regular sit-up. See how those facets don't touch each other anymore.

Rachel Jennings: Mm hmm.

Eileen Durfee: That can twist, that can herniate discs and everything else. You put it over the power cushion, which is around the arc, no more posterior shear at all, its protected. And then you are strengthening the multifidus and the inner spinalis, the smaller postural muscles that fatigue easily. But when you have the right S shape of spine, you have facet bone on facet bone. That’s no muscular fatigue, that's like a vise. You're strong. You have the mechanical advantage.

Rachel Jennings: Yes, yes. That's so great. I think, I think that's a huge, the spinal fitness is a huge missing piece. Like you said, athletes have. I mean, runners in general, people who do this just as a part time, hamstrings are always tight. Always.

Eileen Durfee: That's because they don't have the S-shaped curve. And, you know, in 10 minutes, you know. So obviously, that's not going to last. I mean, I actually did a demo at the Columbia Valley Chiropractic and this guy was, you know, a basketball player on scholarship for college before he became a chiropractor. And he could never like bend over and put his fingers all the way underneath his feet and grab them. And, you know, we did the before, where I had him, you know, reach down and he couldn't even touch the tongues of his shoes.

Rachel Jennings: Oh my gosh.

Eileen Durfee: Afterwards, he got more flexibility he had in his whole life. You know, and he was, he's just like blown away. And so now, he's starting to fit every patient to this. He's got the equipment in his office. I'm actually going there to teach him and all of his staff again, and he's going to use that for everyone who are doing those exercises because it's going to give people the S shaped spine.

Rachel Jennings: Yes. Huge missing piece. Huge missing piece.

Eileen Durfee: Really, it’s like, what's the number one complaint? Everybody’s fatigued.

Rachel Jennings: Back pain. Back pain, fatigue.

Eileen Durfee: You know how much energy your body spends?

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: Just on tight muscles. It’s -

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: Oh my gosh!

Rachel Jennings: Yes. Yes. It’s so great. So, the whole, you know, we're really trying to help women step into their power to heal but also you know, you need energy to heal. So, I think the things that you brought in, you know, I personally I’m taking the Healthy Salt. So, I think that's going to be my number one. But the detox is really affecting our energy levels. The stagnant bio, you talked a lot about coffee enemas and skin brushing, just to you know, get rid of that stagnation. And I love that you got in too for all our fitness and my athlete friends, spinal fitness and how we can really you know, increase our posture and it's great. It seems like you're, you're very holistic in your approach.

Eileen Durfee: It’s everything. I mean, we even have a skincare line because women, I read a study that, in general between hair, body and makeup, they're using 500 chemicals a day on their body. And so, it's like, so of course you know, I had to have something that’s naturally and nourishing and you know chemical free.

Rachel Jennings: What is that?

Eileen Durfee: We have tallow-based. So, it's ancestral.

Rachel Jennings: Yes. More [1:00:04 unclear] stearic acid, which is so good for your skin.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, and they're all low PUFA because –

Rachel Jennings: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: … we have balms, deodorants and lotions. And you know, read the reviews. It's like, oh my gosh, you know, before this, you know, natural deodorants, you know, that weren't poisoning me. They just didn't work.

Rachel Jennings: No.

Eileen Durfee: Ours works. Everyone loves it. Oh my gosh!

Rachel Jennings: So, it's a tallow-based deodorant, then?

Eileen Durfee: Yes.

Rachel Jennings: Okay. Okay. Great. It'll help us get our - that aluminum that comes when the, you know, you’re using antiperspirants. You know, that'll at least help eliminate that one chemical.

Eileen Durfee: But even when you look at other nontoxic deodorants, you know, what really works?

Rachel Jennings: I know. I know.

Eileen Durfee: We just tried all of them. So, we finally cracked the code on that because my daughter was the worst. You know, with having babies every two years, and nursing and the hormones and you know, just the odor of it was just, you know, one of those things. And so yeah, so we've got two different versions of the deodorant.

Rachel Jennings: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, we have nine tallow-based, we have a sunscreen. I mean, I'm a believer in develop your sun callus, get out there early in the day. You know, there's some times where I'm just out too much in the sun. And you have no choice. And so, we've got like a natural, nontoxic sunscreen that people are raving about how creamy it is, how little, how it's not greasy and how it works. And, and then we have Dead Sea Mineral Toners.

Rachel Jennings: Interesting.

Eileen Durfee: You know, because I was using like the Origins Natural, you know, I'm paying $50 for a little, little tiny, you know, two-ounce thing, you know. And then so I developed formulations where we've got a really Anti-Aging, Revive facial one, but then we even have like a whole body toner too, and then just a regular toner that has less expensive ingredients but still worked you know, for the younger people who weren’t, like, concerned about wrinkles and the aging, you know?

Rachel Jennings: Right. Right. Yeah, I know our population is always concerned about the wrinkles and they want that glow. And there's just so many. I just read a study. The Environmental Working Group just came out with this big study about the lead toxicity in lipstick and I'm like, oh my, I mean, it's, we all knew but you know, finally they're doing some studies on it and it's just, you know, that's just one product that we put on.

Eileen Durfee: Right. Right. You know, when I was on TV, you know, you'd go into the makeup place. And you know, all I would do is, wash my face and then put my tallow lotion on. And I would go in there and they'd go, oh my gosh, your skin is so moisturized. 80% to 90% of our time is just applying moisturizer before we put makeup on and they go, what is this stuff? We want it, you know? And so, it’s just really all-day moisturizer without being greasy.

Rachel Jennings: For people who don't know what tallow is, can you explain quickly what it is?

Eileen Durfee: Sure. So, cows have fat and that fat is tallow. Of course, typical cow will have 300 pounds of fat, but we don't use that. We only use about 15 pounds of fat off of a cow that's right on top of the kidneys in a fascia sac. And we only use grassfed, you know, nothing that's had any you know, antibiotics, hormones or medications. And you know, we have a co-op group in Oregon where we get our fat from. And so, it's really clean and, and then we process the fat differently than most people rendering because you buy tallow products out there. You'll smell like a hamburger that like, you just cooked a hamburger and it's just like, I tried all that and it was like, oh my gosh. So, we, I had actually a special machine made to have like a lower temperature than even an oven on the lower setting for rendering this tallow.

You know, so then we cut it up so we're taking you know anything off of it that’s just not clean and then we render it and then we pour off this fat and we you know, put it in the refrigerator. And so, we'll process like 200 pounds of fat but we only end up with 25%. So if, it's like almost like liquid gold, and it's low PUFA you know and we're using also healing oils because that's the other thing is, you know we're getting way too many seed oils.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: Way too many polyunsaturated fats and so it also because anything you put on the skin goes in the bloodstream. So, we thought -

Rachel Jennings: Yeah, directly.

Eileen Durfee: We thought about that. For a preservative, we're using Radish Root Extract.

Rachel Jennings: Wow! Interesting.

Eileen Durfee: You know, it's like we're like, now, Whole Foods has this list of everything that they ban. Of course, they're vegan so they don't like the fat you know. So tallow is on their bad list. But –

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: With all the other ingredients, we're Whole Foods Compliant that we don't put any of that other stuff you know, in our products. So it's like ultra-clean, ultra-clean.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: They work actually because you know, you read the reviews and -

Rachel Jennings: I couldn't agree more. So, I actually cook with tallow or butter, never canola oil. And then for a while, you know, I was using coconut oil, but I am going to switch to, to tallow, just more stearic acid.

Eileen Durfee: Ghee. Ghee is so good, though, because of how your body will burn that fat when you're working out too.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: That’s an excellent oil. It’s got the highest heat.

Rachel Jennings: Yes.

Eileen Durfee: So, I cook with ghee a lot now.

Rachel Jennings: Yeah, people always think they have this misconception about butter, you know. For a while, there was this huge campaign, you know, margarine. Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah, yeah.

Rachel Jennings: And it really - Yeah, the tallow and the kidney fat really helps the glow, I think internally. So that's amazing.

Eileen Durfee: Well now, there's new studies about how the rise in cardiovascular diseases because of all these seed oils, because they said, animal fats were bad. But that's, you know, if we go back to animal fats, then our cardiovascular disease will go down.

Rachel Jennings: Lard, you know, the old days of lard.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. It’s like –

Rachel Jennings: I'm a little bit too younger for those days. But yeah. Well, it's been such a great interview. I really, really love how, like I said, holistic you are, and how many products really help not only women, but men too. And it's just it really shows your passion is enthusiastic. And it's just really, you're doing really great work. So, thank you so much.

Eileen Durfee: Well, I appreciate you having me on because it's like, getting the word out there on some of these things that can make the difference in someone's life, you know.

Rachel Jennings: Yes. And it's just so simple too. So, you really helped, I think, simplify some of the, you know, the, the, the qualms against detox, so yeah.

All right. Eileen, thank you so much. And where can people find you? I think we're gonna have an affiliate link set up, but where can people find you and your work?

Eileen Durfee: Well, we're on Instagram under Creatrix Solutions and that’s C-R-E-A-T-R-I-X. And then the website is as well.

Rachel Jennings: Great. Great. Well, thank you so much. And thanks, everybody, for tuning in. And we'll talk to you guys all soon.