
Healing Together: Creatrix Solutions' Wellness Products - Sauna Fix, Salt, Skincare, Breathe Safe

Nick Baboulas: Hi guys, welcome to the Healing Together podcast. I'm your host for today, Dr. Nick Baboulas, ND and today on the show, we have Eileen Durfee. Did I say that right?

Eileen Durfee: Yes, you did.

Nick Baboulas: Okay, perfect. So, she is the founder and owner of Creatrix Solutions. And some people call her the gizmo woman because from what I understand, you're kind of, you reengineer things and invent new things to maximize health benefits for people. So, I'm excited for the community to learn more about you, your products and your devices. But before we get into like the specifics of your devices and your products, I just want to know, and I think the community wants to know, like your origin story. So, if you can give us a little bit of your background.

Eileen Durfee: Sure. Well, I've been sick my whole life. It started when the doctors ripped me out with forceps, but I had congenital, you know, tissue issues where I was kind of twisted. So, I had to wear special shoes. Every time I walked, one knee ran into the other leg. I had, you know, leg pains from the time I was a toddler. And then I grew, had a really abnormal growth spurt. Like over the course of three months, I grew nine inches.

Nick Baboulas: Oh, wow!

Eileen Durfee: And it was so painful. And to make matters worse, I was walking in a parking lot at a grocery store and a car ran me over.

Nick Baboulas: Oh wow!

Eileen Durfee: And that was just who helped me with my structure, and really rehabilitated me because they thought that, you know, neurologists and everybody else thought I'd just be disabled. And so that was phenomenal. But I got a silver amalgam filling when I was like 20. And then it was all downhill from there. I became what they call a universal reactor. Everything that I would eat, I would become allergic to. Later on, I learned about the leaky gut, you know, and the Candida, but then the real cause of that. So, weak adrenal glands. And so, I've just really been never giving up because, I mean, they had me on low dose antibiotics and antihistamines all the time, and the quality of life was horrible, and I became allergic to all antibiotics. And so, I had to do something.

So, I just kept on researching. I started doing, you know, the Bernard Jensen tissue instruments through bowel cleansing. I ate paleo before there was paleo existed in the 80s. I did the rotation diet, you name it. Got into hair analysis. That was kind of like a turning point for me. And then focusing on how to get my detoxification pathways open. I was a former nuclear engineer, and you know, I didn't have any brothers. There's a lot of inventors in my family. And so, I would just buy all these gizmos, you know, for detoxification, or whatever, and try them. And then I would just think about, you know, I wished it was this or that, and I just go to sleep. And I literally have dreams, and I just see pictures of the new device. And so, then I build them. And so, I just really know that time is precious, energy is precious, and when you're sick, you know, you need something that's easy to use, that really works, that's nontoxic, because a lot of times, we're trying to do something good for our body. And we're, you know, adding more burdens with toxins.

So, I'm just a real stickler about, you know, making good products that work that are safe. And so that's kind of been my journey. And now I'm 60 years old, and I mean, I don't have allergies, I don’t have stresses all over my body. I don't have Hashimotos anymore. I mean, my hair's gotten thick again, you know. My skin, you know, everything. So, it's like I'm now into, you know, anti-aging living a more active, healthier life. My grandma lived till she was 99. And oh my gosh, you know, her last 20 years was horrible. And you know, so I want to have a really good quality life. And so now I'm not in any pain. I sleep well, I have energy. So, it's like a gift that I want to give other people.

Nick Baboulas: For sure. Well, that's pretty amazing. Of course, I'm sure there's so much more in that story that you haven't said. But it got to the point where you created all these different kinds of devices and products. And I think that's the key thing because this community deals with complex chronic illness, right. So, they're veterans. They've been around for, for like 5, 10, 15 or more years kind of dealing with their health issues, and others in the community are kind of like biohackers. They want to optimize their health once they've gained it. So, it seems like your products kind of go hand in hand with this community as well. So, I guess, like we said earlier, like going through the science of stuff as you explain things, because this is a really smart community. I learned a lot from them, too. And I read their comments on different topics. So, it's great for them to kind of learn from you today. So, I guess the first thing that you have for us is kind of your sauna. I know you have your Sauna Fix. There's some uniqueness to it. But I guess before we even get into the saunas, just can you explain a little bit the difference between like the NIR versus the FIR?

Eileen Durfee: Sure. I started out with a far infrared sauna and people know those. It's like a dry sauna that's in a box, and you have multiple heaters all over the place. And, you know, I was getting good sweating there. And what those frequencies of light, it's 3000 nanometers and more. They actually don't have a biological effect on your cells, but they do cause the water molecules in your body to move so that friction causes internal heat. And from sauna studies, we know that heat stress therapy, the benefits are undisputed. I mean, you take saunas, you're gonna die of less problems, you're gonna live a longer, healthier life.

You know, they've been around for 1000s of years. So, you know, we had the heater in the room, the traditional that's based on ambient air temperature. So, when we went to the dry sauna or the far infrared sauna, at the time, we didn't know that it had harmful EMFs and all these kinds of things. So, now the sauna manufacturers have gotten a lot smarter about making that safer. And you know, typically, you have to heat that box, preheat that box up, and it'll get to about 145 degrees versus, you know, the traditional sauna, 180 degrees, you know, where it's harder for some people to breathe.

So, that transition in the marketplace made it easier for some people to take a sauna because they could breathe easier. It wasn't as hot yet, they were still sweating. And they, you know, felt the benefits of that. The other thing about the far infrared is, it doesn't have as deep, you know, a penetration, you know, into the body. And that's kind of sauna that I had, and I was having good results. And I had a doctor recommend using the incandescent bulb near infrared sauna. And I thought, This guy must be prejudice, you know, because that's the kind of sauna that you know, he wanted people to have, and my son was at the University of Washington at the time. And I'm like going, what's the difference son, between, you know, the near infrared? And he goes, oh Mom, photobiomodulation, you know. We're studying that right now.

So, he sent me all the information that, you know, the University of Washington gives the students and he's like saying, that's the reason why we have life on planet Earth, photosynthesis, you know, and your skin and how it activates the mitochondria to produce ATP. And I'm thinking, oh my gosh, here, almost everyone has compromised digestion, you know, because we eat food for our body to break it down and to create ATP. So, here's a hack that you just shine this light on your skin and your body produces it. And unlike like laser therapy, which is also a form of photobiomodulation, you can get it overconcentrated in the cell because the beam is so narrow, but with the heat lamp bulb with it spread out, there are studies showing that when a cell has enough, it just kind of goes on to the next cell. So, it's more of a systemic safe treatment. And I decided, Okay, I'm going to try this because I was going to go on a trip and I, you know, I was doing daily saunas in my far infrared sauna, and I didn't want to miss out on that.

So, I had some light panels and you know, you're doing it in an enclosure canvasses. It was really rough for me because it just was really hard to get a super sweat on like I had in my far infrared sauna. So, I built like two light panels, you know, to get the sweat on but when I was on day one, I thought, well, you know, this feels good. I'm just not sweating very much. And then day two, I sweat a little more. By day three, I sweat even more, and I had this energetic feeling come over my body, like a calmness. It was just so hard to describe that it was like, I was totally sold on near infrared because it was really working. I could feel the effects not only of the extra energy in my body, but there was something else going on. And then I realized, you know, through reading and research, the parasympathetic nervous system was involved.

It's like with the near infrared incandescent bulbs, your body shifts more. I mean, we do a lot of things to shift out of fight or flight with meditation, you know, and trying to think different thoughts, and all these things. But here's something that can shift you super-fast was that parasympathetic action of just being in there, and it feels so good, kind of like if you go out the sun and you, you can feel that shift. And so, I was transformed. Then, I decided, okay, so I needed something better than canvas, because there's no insulation value. So, I did, even though I'm getting that activation or getting internal heat buildup by having the incandescent bulb, you know, create energy at the cell level. So, you know, you're gonna get your core body temperature up with the incandescent bulb sauna, which is going to be beneficial. But with all of that heat stress therapy, where you can get the higher rectal temperatures, where you can get the heavier sweating, you're going to have more heat shock proteins.

That's one of the benefits of taking a sauna, and you can get more of those heat shock proteins, when you have a better enclosure. So, I started out, you know, checking all kinds of materials trying to maximize. And then you know, I just woke up one day, and it's like, you know what? Light travels at the speed of light, you know. Let's don't let it leave because then you've got every second you’re in this sauna times by the speed of light, you're getting that much more maximized phototherapy because it will bounce around. And so, I ended up making an enclosure that was an R12 insulation with the radiant panel so that you could get that maximized phototherapy.

So, then in five minutes, it's 120 degrees. But we're finding out that, you know, if a regular person takes you know, any other kind of sauna and then jumps in the Sauna Fix, there’s something special that happens, where they're sweating twice as much in half the time. And I came across a European study about sweat. Like you exercise and there’s sweat, and they analyze what's in the sweat and it's more mineral content versus if you're taking a sauna. It's more toxic byproducts that are in your sweat. So, it's a better, you know, detoxification when you're in the sauna. But one of the studies was showing that if you inhaled 20,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, that's the size of a sugar cube that your rectal temperature won't go down, because that's the first thing.

You know your body gets under stress, it's a homeostatic response. It’s okay, let's cool this down so we're gonna lower the rectal temperature. So, with inhaling the negative ions, you do not have that response. So, your body is less stressed and the sweat volume doubles. It actually even changes the electrolytes calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. And then when you get out of the sauna, your rectal temperature continues to rise. So, this was kind of like this interesting phenomenon. And so, you know, once I had the panels, and I was taking the sauna, and I was starting to get feedback from people. People were having much more pain relief, more flexibility, more energy, but you know, even though it's a dry sauna, when you're really heavily sweating, you notice the humidity rises in those saunas.

So, I became concerned about rebreathing the toxic, humidified sauna sweat, and I created a little device because you know, we kind of threw the baby out with the bathwater. We went from those traditional saunas where you're pouring the water over the rocks. That releases negative ions in the air. And that whole sauna study was based on certain heaters with the components of the metal structure of them was producing poisonous positive ions. So, people were more fatigued, versus certain kinds of components were producing the negative ions. So, that's how I ran into that but so we added a product called the Breathe Safe to even increase your sweat volume. And when they studied those people, it was like you think, okay, your rectal temperatures are hotter, your skin surface temperatures are hotter. Your sweat volumes double. You think you'd be exhausted, right? All the people in this study felt more refreshed. They felt better and so the Breathe Safe is kind of part of what I really, you know, have people think about to maximize their time because that's the other thing is like, we don't have much time. So, how many things can we do simultaneously?

Nick Baboulas: You’re sure?

Eileen Durfee: … to benefit our health, to feel better because you know, otherwise, we might not do something. I mean, how many people have a garage full of gizmos they never use? Okay, so with this Sauna Fix System, you know, I tried to deal with a multitude of issues like you know, also going with organic cotton. In the Europe, they have what they call an RoHS standard, which is way different than America. Like you know, your pants have a metal zipper. In America, we can have 50% more lead than in Europe, it’s allowed to have. So, we don't realize a lot of times where we're picking up all these toxins from.

And so, with the frame, with the coating and everything else. Everything is RoHS certified, where I get the certificates from, you know, the components. And then I sent the whole apparatus completed for the testing so that we know that it's safe. So, we don't have you know, lead in the zippers or the paint or. I mean, the bamboo mats were boiled and baked under pressure instead of using fumigation chemicals. And so, I've you know, tried to create the safest haven for that. But with the frequencies in the near infrared, the incandescent heat lamp bulb. Yeah, at first, I was just using Philips bulbs, you know, because I thought, hey, a heat lamp bulb is a heat lamp bulb. And I had a medical laser sales rep buy my sauna, and she was having joint pain.

Of course, I didn't have joint pain taking that sauna with the Philips heat lamp bulbs. But she did. So, she started reading and so she bought TheraBulbs to. And she reported back to me and she says, Eileen, it's so different, I don't have any of that. So, of course, I had bought their bulbs, put them on my sauna to try it, and I sweat more. Now I didn't have pain before or after. And so, I started looking, contacted Philips, you know, contacted TheraBulb. Found the spectrum chart for the bulbs. And sure enough, there's different spectrums for heat lamp bulbs. They're not all the same.

So, actually, RubyLux and TheraBulb are pretty much the same. It's just the RubyLux has a darker coating than the TheraBulb. And so, I actually found the factory where they're both made in and had bulbs made. So, when someone buys a sauna from me, they can have a set, and then you know got them tested, and everything. And so, the near infrared where it's different because far infrared saunas, you know, are 3000 nanometers and higher. So, that's going to give you heat stress therapy with interacting with the water molecules in your body. So, you have a lot of water, so that's great. But you're not getting the mitochondria activated. The biochemical, biological reaction in the body.

So, with the heat lamp bulbs, the spectrum chart is 550. And I ran the test to 3000 but it was already up on the chart, so it's going off to probably about 3400. And so, it climbs steep like a mountain. So, the most intensity that you're getting in this incandescent bulb sauna is the near infrared. You're getting some of the far which we'll talk later about the 3000 nanometer and how special that is for hydration and hydroelectric energy production in the body because of the fourth phase of water. But so that spectrum of light with the heat lamp bulbs is very good. And so, there's some sauna manufacturers, because you know, after all, is shining near infrared light on inoperable tumors. There's a lot of research now about how beneficial near infrared light is. And so, they didn't want to stop making saunas, right? So, what they've done is, they've put in little tiny LED bulbs, which do not give the intensity or the quantity of near infrared light that you're gonna want to really see the difference.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And so unfortunately, I think it was just a marketing scheme to say, hey, we're multi-spectrum. And so, but there's just so much difference when you take an LED bulb and measure the intensity of light wave frequencies from a heat lamp bulb. It's just night and day. It's just like a drop in the bucket compared to an ocean. You know the other thing when I was designing my sauna, thinking about materials. So, you can even have a wooden sauna. But people don't realize that the pitch in the wood is a Volatile Organic Compound. So, when you're in a sauna, and that's why I think some people are sensitive, ultrasensitive to wooden saunas because when you heat up the pitch and you smell that, that's actually a Volatile Organic Compound at low levels.

Well, with, you know, health challenges, we're looking at the straws on the camel's back. And so, we're trying to take some off and it doesn't work very well when you're adding a little bit while trying to take some off. So, you're just gonna get further along if you just are ultra-clean, ultra-safe. So, I didn't use any wood, you know, in my sauna because of that, and there's a brand. I mean, they're $8,000. They have the clean glues, low EMFs, all this. And I bet there are doctors that have that. Spent $8,000 on that and they use my sauna and recommend my sauna because of how it makes them feel. There's just something different about light not leaving, maximizing the phototherapy, getting a really heavy sweat on. And the other difference between your far infrared saunas and an incandescent bulb sauna is blood shunting, which it's a phenomenon. And I don't know Dr. Nick, if you noticed that when you first took a sauna in the Sauna Fix. Did you notice that you started sweating on one side of your body more than the other?

Nick Baboulas: Yeah, for sure. Like I did. It was a different experience because I've used many different saunas. I'll be honest with you. And I've used a lot of different red lights as well. So, I can truly see the difference in terms of what you're talking about in that regard. But I guess in terms of the components just of your sauna, because I think like the community really picks at the gritty details. I know that you've, in terms of your design, the reflective part is that like you were saying earlier about that part. But maybe you can talk a little bit about the EMF blocking capacity too versus like your sauna versus other like you're saying like competitors in terms of their TP saunas?

Eileen Durfee: Right. Well, I had a lot of people that were asking for like a Faraday cage or grounding and everything like that. And you know, even without that, my sauna panels, you try to use the remote with that radiant blocking. You can't control any electronic device. It blocks you know, all of that. So, I wasn't too concerned about that. It's like the sauna enclosure is really the safest place in your home. But people were really concerned about that. So, what I did, because the panels are metal. You know, they're a five-layer panel. They have a clear polymer and it's all RoHS certified. So, you don't have to worry about any outgassing. And then like a space blanket material bubble wrap for the insulation and the layers on the inside. So, its sandwiched together and cased with organic cotton binding and then you have the zippers.

So, what I did is, I just put a metal snap on each panel and created these little jumper cables, where you just snap one panel to the other. So, it's a continuous metal connection. And the same thing on the back of the mats. I have the same space blanket material with the metal snaps so you can actually interconnect daisy chaining the mats, the panels into the ground. It would give you like an 18-foot long curly cord to plug in the round ground of your wall receptacle so that you can ground that. And so, it's not 100% because of the cotton binding where the zippers are. It's not 100% Faraday cage but you know you're getting a 90% reduction, but then you are grounding too. You can be grounding while you're taking the sauna. And so that's you know, an aspect you know, that we added so that you know people can use that. Some people actually don't like to have that extra like a Faraday cage. I was just talking with a gentleman yesterday but so he was glad that it was optional where he could just ground the mat but not ground the panels, you know for him. But let’s see. What was the other question you asked about?

Nick Baboulas: I think it was more about just like the EMF like you're saying. So, there's the grounding mats that you have that you put it in there. But then just in terms of the design of how you've allowed it to be also EMF block, and like you said, it's the safest place in the home.

Eileen Durfee: Right.

Nick Baboulas: So, that’s a big thing, because a lot of people like even you were saying earlier about your lights. A lot of times, there's a lot of radiation coming off them too, as well, right in terms of that stuff. In terms of EMFs, even from light emission. So, in terms of yours, from what I understand, it's very low or minimal at that.

Eileen Durfee: There's a video on my Instagram, where one of the biohackers has all the meters, and he has the yoga version of the Sauna Fix. And, you know, it's like barely registerable. And that's because we've got the grounded electrical cord with the shielded wiring. And then of course, incandescent heat lamp bulbs, you know, emit very little. So, with it grounded and shielded, you know, that lamp is just Ultra safe. You can't get any lower than that and have a sauna.

Nick Baboulas: For sure. So that's pretty amazing. That's great stuff. And I'm wondering, just in terms of like, finishing off with the sauna topic. Like from your perspective, because like you're pro at this in terms of like, you’re a veteran in this field, of course. So, like, what's the ideal time for a person to be in a sauna from like a, think of it from a chronic illness patient from like very weak and fatigued to a person, more general person in terms of just their overall health. Like, what do you –

Eileen Durfee: Right.

Nick Baboulas: What do you [0:26:22 cross talk] in general?

Eileen Durfee: It really varies because I literally have clients that if they exercise at all, you know, which stimulates adrenal and the thyroid gland to boost their metabolism, they get anxiety attacks. So, when you're in a sauna, it's going to boost your metabolism. So, they're going to get anxiety attacks. So, I’ve actually counseled some people to leave the door open, sit as far away from the lights as you can and only start with five minutes. So, I've had somebody so bad, so weak, that that's where they started. And it took them over six months to be able to close the door and take a 10-minute sauna. But you know, so everybody needs to start and let their body be their guide, and to realize that also your blood sugars are going to drop when you do a sauna. And so those individuals who are sensitive to that, you know, maybe hypoglycemic or whatever is to have a nice protein snack ready to go after you get out of the sauna.

Another tip that I would give for someone is to drink water beforehand with a mineralized salt, like Healthy Salt, it’s 20% minerals because it also has a negative charge. And so, we'll talk about the benefits of that. And, you know, you can drink water when you're in the sauna. But one of the tips I would say is because we're trying to increase your core body temperature. So, like drink water before and after, you know, but not necessarily during. But it's okay if you drink during, but typically a healthy person, if they're used to taking a sauna and let's say they normally take a 30-minute sauna session. They're probably going to get the same heavy sweating, if they're in the Sauna Fix with the Breathe Safe in only 15 minutes.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: What was your experience when you went in there versus the other ones?

Nick Baboulas: Yeah, I think you sweat pretty quickly. Like once you start sweating, you go pretty profusely. So, I guess the question for the general audience is, once you start sweating, how long should you sweat for?

Eileen Durfee: I would say, you know, it really depends on someone's mineral pattern. There's people that have very low minerals, like on a hair test or something.

Nick Baboulas: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: And those people once they start profusely sweating, just a minute of that and get out because otherwise you're gonna, you know, it's gonna be too much for them. But –

Nick Baboulas: For sure.

Eileen Durfee: For other people, they're like, you know, can sweat 10, 15 minutes and get out, rest, maybe go jump in a cold plunge and get back in because there's studies that show as far as the heat shock proteins and the health benefits is, it's better to do multiple, you know, back to back, but there's a lot of people that can't do that. There's, there's people that can't even do or they'll be fine if they do like a 15, 20-minute session in the Sauna Fix, but they can't do a coffee enema the same day because it'll just wipe them out. So, it's like it's something that you really have to build up and it's really an individualized situation. But the Sauna Fix System is the only incandescent bulb sauna approved by Hope for Cancer out of you know, Cancun and Tijuana, and it's the only sauna approved by the Heal Highline Group. And it's because of you know, the extra effects you get from the system that's in the design, the maximized phototherapy, you know the Breathe Safe where you're getting changes with the rectal temperature you know, because you can kill co-infections.

And the other neat thing about the design of the Sauna Fix, you know, that's unique is the tent panels are smooth. You know, one thing you have to think about is, if you have a porous material, and you're sweating, and we know from studies that there's more toxins in that sweat. That is going to cling to a nonporous surface to be reheated up. And you know, when you think about some of these chemicals coming out of our body, some of them are sub-volatile organic compounds. Some of them are volatile organic compounds. And when you mix heat with sub-volatile organic compounds, that's why I never would use anything but organic cotton, because of the GMO-ready fibers to heat up the sub-volatile organic compounds to make them into volatile organic compounds.

So, here we are creating carcinogens, you know, in your sauna, but it's important to not reheat your toxic, humidified sauna sweat that's like on Canvas, because of that cotton. You know, it's a porous surface, you know, and enclosures with over time, some of the people that have the Sauna Fix that used to have a canvas sauna for years, it began to smell and it was hard to wash, you know. And then some people who did take it off the frame and washed it. Then, it has wrinkles in it. And so, the canvas without having the insulation value with being porous, that's what I wanted to stay away from. And so, I created the smooth surface so that you can clean it.

Now the Breathe Safe, when you have the Breathe Safe in there, it gets rid of like in the 80s and 90% of these volatile organic compounds. It's got a pathogen kill rate of in the 40%, but I've got a little ionic-refresher that has a pathogen kill rate of like 99%. So, I put those in my sauna. And one of the things that I do with the Breathe Safe because it is high voltage. So, you have some EMFs in that but if you're 40 inches away, but then if you, you know have everything plugged in for a Faraday cage, you know it's circulating around there is, I turn the Breathe Safe on the side. It's very small, and I have my tent panels. And I just poke the –

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: The diffuser top underneath, and I've used my meter and then it's very minuscule as far as you know, the EMFs coming off of that. But this Breathe Safe device is super special besides cleaning up the toxic, humidified sauna sweat. I mean, you know, with the smooth panels, you can still wipe it down like I have ozonated water. So, I use that to wipe it down. So, it's easy to maintain, you know. You're not going to have the problems of smell or having it contaminated or anything like that. But with the Breathe Safe, this can go everywhere. So, I was on an airplane and I had this lucid dream where I wasn't asleep and I wasn’t awake. All these people were coughing and hacking and I saw a little device on my tray table. So, I already had a bigger air purifier. So, I called the company I was working with and said, it had to work on an external battery power bank that you can charge your cell phone with.

You know, it has to be small. So, we created the Breathe Safe and you know, in lab tests, you know. So oftentimes in my sauna, I'll sit down. So, I put this on the ground, measured up to my nose, it's 40 inches. So, I wanted to know how many negative ions I was really breathing because that's key to the rectal temperature and everything else and it was 56,000 negative ions. So, that was huge. And I had this family that bought these and they were using it at their desk and this guy was an asthmatic. So, she, you know, was walking. You know, there was smoke and she was walking over to her desk and grabbing her asthma inhaler. She happened to sit down and she was like over her Breathe Safe and she could breathe.

So, she started breathing over this and didn't have to use the asthma inhaler. I mean, their whole family have lots of asthmatics. So, they take these everywhere on little battery packs. So, I measured with. This is 40 inches away from you. You get all the 56,000 negative ions, you're breathing it, but there's no EMFs. You know, distance cures that actually, you know, in about 24 inches. So, the risk but the reward, it's like a few moments of some medium EMFs versus having to use a steroid inhaler. You know, it's pretty good. But the other thing about my sauna and the other competitors is the size. They have no insulation. So, they have this trapezoid shape. Some people kind of feel claustrophobic. You have to sit down on a, crawl and sit down on a stool and some people can't sit because of their back and all this kind of stuff.

Nick Baboulas: For sure.

Eileen Durfee: I used to have a 4 ft x 4 ft x 5 ft.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: You know, sauna. And I had this one customer that flipped it, put the floor against the wall and laid diagonal. She was short. And I'm going, Oh my gosh, I've got to create a little transformer with a few brackets. So, I changed the size of the tent to a 3 ft x 4 ft, because you have plenty of room that way. And my son's 6 ft 5. So, I made it like 6 ft 6 tall.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And so, then I was concerned about it getting hot enough. You know, I didn't know. So, I put, made a drop ceiling so you could still get in like the old version that's five foot tall and get in there and sit down and sweat. So, what happened with that is the portable unit, the small one is, it'll get without a preheat 120 degrees in five minutes. So, I tell people don't preheat the thing. You don't need to preheat that sauna because you will sweat and it'll be great. And then if you put the drop ceiling in, you can get it to 190 degrees. So, I have a guy check in his rectal temperature. It was within two degrees of hyperthermic.

Nick Baboulas: That's pretty amazing.

Eileen Durfee: Now hyperthermic therapy is like 25 grand a month. So, I mean, you can, once you work up to it, if you can handle, you can put the drop ceiling in that small tent and get it super-hot. Then I had people zipping two tents together and trying to do yoga. And it's like, oh my gosh, so what size do you want this thing? So, then I made a bigger one and have the internal partitions to cut it in half and the drop ceiling as well. And so now, these biohackers, they're putting two sauna lamps in there, and they're putting their Spinner bikes in there. They're, you know, doing their kettlebell exercises. I've UFC fighters, you know shadowboxing in there. And so, it just kind of evolved.

Nick Baboulas: For sure. It makes sense. That's the biggest thing I think that you do is, you always evolve, right. And that's where you get these kind of like new ideas, and you come up with new things that are kind of solve a problem, which is amazing. So, that's why your sauna is a great one in general. But let's move on to, I guess some of the next things that you kind of do. And I guess a lot of people talk about anti-aging and all that kind of stuff, of course. So, you have this whole skincare line, right? It's very unique or special, I guess. It's a tallow-based one. So, maybe if you can talk a little bit about that, in terms of some of those products, and also some of the toners as well, that you have.

Eileen Durfee: Sure. It kind of all evolved, because you know, we didn't - we wanted to use natural deodorant. And my daughter, especially, you know. You know, when you're pregnant and nursing, you know, every couple of years, you know, with the hormones. It's like nothing would work. Nothing. So, we started playing around with the fat that's in the fascia sac right on top of the kidney of a cow. So, a cow can have 300 pounds of fat. Really, there's only about 15, 20 pounds of the fat on top of the kidneys. So, it's a lot cleaner. And then when you render it down, you only get 25% of that. We call it liquid gold. And so, we started mixing it with olive oil, you know, and just different things, you know, Arrowroot powder and little, little tiny bit of baking soda because we knew that people were sensitive to baking soda, but we developed a deodorant.

That was our first product. And then one of my grandson's, at the time we didn't know was allergic to dairy, nuts and eggs. And he had like psoriasis and eczema and would itch and just, it was horrible. And so, we created like a balm because of the cracking and the raised rashes and things like that. And we knew that animal fats, that's what our ancestors used, you know, for skincare and for lotions. And it's, our body loves it. Like if you accidentally get butter on your skin, it just like vanishes. Your body just absorbs it all. And so, it's got all these fat-soluble vitamins. So, when we think about how compromised our nutrition is for digesting, we can get a lot of transdermal effects from the things we put on our skin. And that's why you know, I mean, I read a study where women on average, you know, maybe not this community because we're a little bit more aware.

Nick Baboulas: For sure.

Eileen Durfee: But the typical people out there that aren't into health are putting 515 chemicals on their body a day.

Nick Baboulas: I believe it. Yeah, it makes sense.

Eileen Durfee: And it goes right into the skin. So, we started doing this balm so it would - wouldn't absorb as fast and it could be working for cracking and you know, different things like that on the skin. And you know, we put some healing essential oils in it. And it really started doing some wonderful things. There's a review on my website actually from a vegan. You know, I have people calling us, Well, did you have to kill the cow? And I'm going, Yes, yes, we, you know, the cow was butchered to get the kidney fat, but she had bought something else and we gave her a sample of it. And here she’d been on prescription medications. Nothing had helped.

So, out of desperation, she put some on her skin, and it cleared up her skin. So, she left this review. If any of the listeners go on there and read some of these skincare reviews, it's pretty amazing. But then, you know, people fell in love with the balms. And they go, Look, it just doesn't spread very well. You know, we need a lotion. So, then I started reading into because you know, I'm concerned about polyunsaturated fatty acids now. We know we have way too much of those Omega 6s and it's causing inflammation. And so, I researched a blend of just different oils for different purposes. You know, especially for my grandson, we created this healing lotion. So, I calculated the polyunsaturated fatty acid. They say, Okay, it's safe if it's below a 10.

So, we ranged in the twos to, I think, I think I can't remember if our highest one is under six, you know. So, we do use when you look at the ingredients, there are a few oils rich and polyunsaturated fatty acids, but the amount that we use in the formulation is minuscule. And it's more for like a nutrition or aspect of the healing component, you know, in the blend. So, we created this healing lotion, you know, and it was kind of like making the light bulb. You know, multiple versions, multiple versions, and we put it on my grandson, and he would stop itching, and it cleared up his rashes where none of the other creams or anything would work. And then you know, of course, and I'm thinking about, you know, aging of my skin, you know.

If people from the community look at videos from me 10 years ago, and look at me now, it’s because I'm using these toners and these nourishing, you know, products on my skin. And so, it was just basically, again, problems, you know.

Nick Baboulas: It’s problem with problem.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. And so then, some people like they're very sensitive to even essential oils. So, we made the moisturizer with an organic, High Altitude Lavender Oil, and we put very little in there. And so, people that couldn't tolerate other stuff are able to tolerate that. We live in Washington State, and there's this high Soda Lake here that has healing properties. And so, I was comparing the mineral analysis of that water to the Dead Sea. And so, I determined that okay, so I want to get some minerals in my body transdermally and utilize Dead Sea, you know, along with other you know, healing nutrients. And, you know, it actually helps. I always put the toner on my skin first.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And then I put the lotion and it spreads more and you know, it gets great absorption. And so, I created a general body toner. And there's a few reviews on there where they're saying like, after I just put the body toner on, it feels like I put lotion on. You know, my skin is soft. You know, it helps protect the acid mantle. There's a lot of ingredients in there because you know, with the alkaline minerals. So, we had to get the mineral content up but then we had to counterbalance it to maintain acid mantle, you know, for protection of the body. So, we have a general body toner. Then, we have an anti-aging toner. Then we have just a regular toner. You know-

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: As there's other people out there. There's a huge cost difference and it's because of you know the ingredients that are in you know, the anti-aging, but I was sent a picture before and after of a woman. I think that Katarini, your sister had worked with. It's in the community and I had no idea that this was happening. I mean I personally had experience of wrinkles going away you know, toning, just all kinds of benefits like that, moisturizing without being greasy. You know all those wonderful things that we like but I just realized that we are getting some transdermal nutrition at higher levels than I previously thought. She had all these capillary bleeds. Did she show you the pictures of that woman as well?

Nick Baboulas: I didn't see them yet, but I'm gonna ask for her.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. It’s like for years, this woman had all these capillary bleeds and, I mean, some of them were like really big on her arms. And she was using the Revive Facial Toner on her arms, and the anti-aging lotion and they completely are gone, all of them like in. I can't remember if it was a month or two, but in a really quick time, and you know, I've had other reports of miraculous skin conditions, resolving you know, rosacea, and just all these breakouts and things like that. And so, the products really do work. We make them in our facility. And –

Nick Baboulas: For sure.

Eileen Durfee: We pretty much we get the, you know, the fat from a group of farmers that are all grass-fed. They don't, you know, have any animals with any injections or anything like that. A lot of its organic, but we can't get enough fat to keep up with demand that's organic. And so, you know, basically all of our other oils and things like that are organic in the bland. And I think there's only like two essential oils that aren't organic. But you know, we've since found a new source for getting those, you know, in organic. And so, we'll be switching over to that. But we have nine tallow-based skincare products in all.


One of the things, I'm a believer in, is developing your sun callus by getting out early in the morning, while the Kelvins are low, getting natural light in the eyes. But still, there were times. You know, I live in eastern Washington here where we have a 280 days of sun a year. So, it's like you're, you're getting way too much sun exposure, you know, for the skin. And so, I wanted to develop something that was totally nontoxic, that wouldn't be greasy and everything else. So, we developed a sunscreen. And so, it's wonderful, people love it. There's great reviews on it. So, we perfected that recipe. So, we have two deodorants. There's one that's a Lemon Lime, and then there's one that has Tea Tree Oil and Lavender in it, but they kind of like cancel each other out. They don't smell like either one.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So that happens to be my favorite one. And then a lot of people just swear by the Lemon Lime. My daughter likes Lemon Lime the best because it's got Lemon Myrtle in it, which is more antibacterial than Tea Tree. So, I would say for the listener who has maybe a really sweating smell problem, they would probably like the Lemon Lime version better.

Nick Baboulas: Makes sense.

Eileen Durfee: But these still allow you to sweat. This just doesn't allow any bacteria to grow on the surface of the skin. Then we have two balms. We have a Lavender Balm and then an Acceptance Blend Balm and it just has more of the healing anti-aging. Then we have the Healing Lotion, the Moisturizer Lotion, the Anti-Aging Lotion, and the sunscreen. We are in development of several other creams.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: With adding peptides in them. So, I don't know if the listeners look at the thickness of my eyebrows now. I don't have anything on them. Now, some of my older videos, I did have a pencil line, but there's some without it. If you can see how thick my eyebrows are now compared to what they were before.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: Which is a big difference. And I'm attributing it to these peptides in an eye cream that I'm working on. So, that'll be coming out. So, we can have thicker lashes, thicker eyebrows and less wrinkles around our eyes. So, I'm working on that. And then -

Nick Baboulas: I don't think I wanted thicker eyebrows. I'll be honest.

Eileen Durfee: Well, as the women get older and our hormones change, you know, we have those issues, but the other one that we're working on is like more of like an acne cream.

Nick Baboulas: Okay, that makes sense for sure.

Eileen Durfee: Because the toners work really great for the acne. But most people even though these are anti-clogging or whatever, there have been a few people including my daughter that if she uses very much of the tallow on her face, she'll have a breakout. So, we're in development of a lotion that's going to really work for that. And so, focusing on the toners and very little of more maybe the balm you know, if you've got you know, a breakout or whatever that that would be better. But yeah, so we're just constantly I guess, solving problems but it's really well tolerated. People love it. You can look at all the reviews and see the results.

Nick Baboulas: No, definitely. I think I have to try more of it and see if I can get a little bit younger. Okay, so thank you for explaining that. So, we'll get into kind of our last topic here. We have a little bit of time left to kind of talk about your Healthy Salt. So, I guess the first thing to start off with is, in terms of just explaining its uniqueness overall, like how it's kind of processed or mined, and like how it gets to the table, right?

Eileen Durfee: Right.

Nick Baboulas: And the last part, of course, is like, how it's different from other salts. If we can start there, and then we can kind of go into a little bit other parts of it as well.

Eileen Durfee: Sure. It is mined on an island in South Korea. And there's, it's a 2000-year old processing secret from a family of an acupuncturist I know. And they, after they mine it, they rake it, spray it, wash it and they add herbs to it. And of course, they won't tell me what herbs. So, I've had the lab testing done so we know exactly what ends up in this salt, but it's like a three-and-a-half year process. And then when it's finally ready, they put it into a special pot and burn it under high flame for days. So, the mineral content of it is special. And it's got an 11.72 pH.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: But it also has a negative charge, you know, with the 20% mineral content, you know. So, when I was a nuclear power plant inspector, auditor, trainer, engineer or whatever, one of my jobs was reviewing certificate mineral analyses for, you know, all the steel and this and that. And so, I went on this quest to look at all of the certificate mineral analysis of the salts, because I was really intrigued when I first met this acupuncturist. He had all my favorite salts, you know, on the table, because you know, of course, we avoid iodized salt. And so, I was just using a variety of salts, you know, Himalayan Pink Salt, the Hawaiian, you know, just the Grey Celtic Sea Salt, just all these different salts and we had glasses, and you put a pinch of water and they would all remain acid, but when they put a pinch of the Healthy Salt in there, it went alkaline.

So, what I did is, I cut my hair analysis just a half an inch, use the Healthy Salt daily for a month. Then I stopped, did another hair analysis. So, I did monthly hair analysis of short hair, because that represents time and I went on and off the Healthy Salt every other month for six months to see what's it doing to me, you know, what's it doing? So, it improved my thyroid and adrenal gland function.

Nick Baboulas: Oh wow!

Eileen Durfee: And my body had less inflammation. And my body would pour out these heavy metals. Like I had such a cadmium dump that the doctor I was working with said, he hadn't seen that ever. And so of course then, I'm like panicking oh my gosh, what's in the salt? I poisoned myself. What's going on, you know. So, I'm testing it all out. Sure enough, no cadmium at all. And when I was reviewing the certificate mineral analysis like Pink Himalayan has 0.8% minerals but you read the package and you think you're having a mineral supplement. It has like for instance, one part per million magnesium, a serving of Healthy Salt has 6800 parts per million. So, when you're at 20% minerals versus less than 1%, you're just gonna have higher amounts of everything.

Nick Baboulas: Do you have a breakdown of like the mineral profile on your website for the Healthy Salt?

Eileen Durfee: Yes. If you go to the footer and go to product testing.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And then you have to, because all the RoHS testing for safety that I refer to for the saunas, everything is there, it's public.

Nick Baboulas: Okay, good.

Eileen Durfee: So, you can click on the Healthy Salt and there's no microplastics you know, none of that and it's broken down by what you're getting in a little scooper full per serving. So, the Healthy Salt besides comparing to all these other salts, like Redmond Real Salt, it's mainly sodium. I mean, it's like all these salts are saying, you're getting all these minerals, but it's so few. And the other interesting thing I came across because there was a book. I think it was published in 2003 about water sole putting, you know, the pink salt in your water, which I did. And I started looking at the pH of Pink Himalayan salt. The longer it's in the water, it drops to acid and then the ORP goes up. So, it's more inflammatory.

So, I actually threw away all my Pink Himalayan salt after I learned that. Then, I ran across the Quinton Marine Plasma. Now, I don't know if the listeners are familiar with that. But World War One, there's a guy who is extracting from a mile wide vortex between France and Spain, seawater that had plankton in it. And he was injecting, he was giving IVs of this stuff to people and healing almost every disease known to man, and he was killed in World War One and a million people went to this guy's funeral. So, I looked at the certificate mineral analysis of that Quinton Marine Plasma, and the ratios of the minerals are so similar to Healthy Salt.

Nick Baboulas: Interesting. Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And so yeah, it doesn't have the plasma. I mean, you know, the plankton from you know, the sea, but at least you know, you're seeing. It's like, why the body may love the Healthy Salt and react so favorably to it is, you know, it's a lot about mineral ratios.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: And so, the Healthy Salt is very powerful. That's the other thing people don't realize. And on a jar when I literally say start, even though we give you a scooper. I say start with a toothpick because it's so powerful in ways that it affects you on a cellular level. See, outside our cells, it's supposed to be an alkaline environment. Inside, it needs to be acidic. And we have these heroes inside our cells called the lysosomes. And they need protons to lower the pH. So, what happens, when you have that alkalinity in your water, putting a little bit of Healthy Salt in there with that negative charge, it's causing protons to go inside the cells which allows the lysosomes to drop their PH. We're creating exclusion zone water. We know from Dr. Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington that when you have that alkalinity with a negative charge, and you shine particularly any light, but more particularly 3000 nanometers of light, it expands.

So, what does the heat lamp bulb have? It's got the 3000 nanometers of light. That's why I teach, put a little Healthy Salt in your water, drink it before you go on the sauna. So, that then you've got this maximized detox going on because the lysosomes are dropping their pH, cleaning up the molecular debris. And then because of the inside differential to the outside, you know, acidic to the alkalinity, it's creating hydroelectricity and then it's able to store that energy in the exclusion zone water that's expanding your body while you're under those lights. So, that would explain why when I would do that hair analysis, the huge dump of all these toxic metals that aren't in the salt, they're coming out of my body.

My body loves the minerals. It's like all of a sudden, oh my gosh, new car parts are here. We can get the right mineral in your enzyme binding site of your cell. So, it's just a transformation that happens. And you think that it was snake oil reading the product reviews on the Healthy Salt. It's just incredible. I just I really love that book about Your Body's Many Cries for Water about dehydration, about how you know 80% of diseases are caused by dehydration. And adding in salt with the water you drink. I mean, there's great instructions in that book even for people with high blood pressure. I have to tell a story about a woman with high blood pressure. So of course, you know, standard doctors, Dr. Nick would say you know, stop taking salt. So, she does. So, then she develops frequent urination because you know, salt sucks. Salt helps retain hydration. And so, when you're avoiding salt and you don't have the minerals, you're gonna freak at urination.

So, then she stops drinking water earlier in the evening so she doesn't have to get up and go pee, but then she develops asthma symptoms at night. So, when you read that book about Your Body's Many Cries For Water, what's happening here is, your body's conserving water. It's like constricting your blood vessels so that it can ring water out of your bloodstream to send it through your nerve sheaths to more important locations in the body. It's like you have water allocation mechanisms in the body based on histamine receptors. So, your body is increasing the blood pressure to get the water you know to where it needs to go. And one of the aspects of moisture loss in the body is through breathing. So, it's going to constrict the lungs and so someone like that needs to start baby steps with very little bits, amount. And they'll notice that their frequent urination slows or notice that their you know, lung constriction problem dissipates. And there's actually a review on the website with this mother who'd been on high blood pressure medications for years.

I can't remember if she said 10 or 20 years. Even with the medication, she was at dangerously high level. And within short order, her blood pressure goes down to like in the 130s. I think she said 139 in the review. I mean, people can read it for themselves. But these are like phenomenal changes and it's really the root of dehydration. I mean, any salt except iodized salt is going to help with that. But if you can take a salt that's potent, packed with minerals, with the negative charge and you know, the high alkalinity, you're gonna get some good results. But a lot of people, I got to warn the listeners to start with that toothpick. Your body will think it won the lottery. It'll detoxify so fast that you can have Herxheimer reactions.

Nick Baboulas: Interesting.

Eileen Durfee: So, it's one of the common things is a headache.

Nick Baboulas: Makes sense.

Eileen Durfee: So, so just beware, and a little bit goes a long way.

Nick Baboulas: So, to summarize that part of that, I guess, for the Healthy Salt because you're talking about like the EZ Water or just kind of like structured water. So, is it that you feel that when you're using the Healthy Salt and doing the sauna, that you're kind of like structuring the water or the interstitial fluid in the body in a sense?

Eileen Durfee: Yes.

Nick Baboulas: Is that what you feel is happening?

Eileen Durfee: Yes, I think that that's what's happening, because we know there's going to be that increase of protons going in and the release of the toxins, but we just know that shining 3000 nanometers of light on the skin is going to expand the Exclusion Zone water in your body. And when you give it a leg up with that alkalinity and negative charge.

Nick Baboulas: For sure. Electrons. Makes sense, then. Okay, and that's good to know. So, we're going to finish off here, but we have a last question. So, this is kind of like, you got 60 seconds to answer but you can do your best in that regard. There's two parts to it in a sense, its two kind of specific questions. So, if you had like all the money in the world, like what would be your top tool that you would use for your health? That's kind of part one of the question?

Eileen Durfee: Definitely the Sauna Fix System so you can maximize. We only have so much time. You can't buy more time.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: So, if you can stack your hacks and get more benefit out of your efforts, that's what you've got to do. And so, I would say the Sauna Fix. A big reason why I lost the 30 pounds that I did over the course of like a year and a half was, I switched from the small portable sauna instead of just laying down.

Nick Baboulas: Yeah.

Eileen Durfee: I have the yoga sauna where I'm doing movement. Now I, I do other stretching and exercises. I'm not a yoga person.

Nick Baboulas: For sure.

Eileen Durfee: I just call it a yoga sauna. People do do yoga in there, but there's something very special about movement and exercise, you know in the sauna. So that's top.

Nick Baboulas: Then, the second part of that question is, like if you had no money in the world, if you had a very minimal budget, what would be your go to tool for your health?

Eileen Durfee: I would say a daily coffee enema.

Nick Baboulas: Okay.

Eileen Durfee: You know for the person because of, I mean, we could talk an hour about what that does. But that's what I'd recommend and with the sauna, I would say that because you said the top two things because your number one exposure is breathing. So, I would get the Breathe Safe. So, you can increase your oxygen levels, be breathing clean air. Just don't use it in the sauna. Sleep with it, put it in your car, put it at your desk to counteract the poisonous positive ions coming off of the electronics, you know everything like that.

Nick Baboulas: Okay, perfect. So, I know today you have kind of like a special community offer but in general with the Healing Together community. When they use the code HT10, they get 10% off in general in terms of your website, but there is a special offer that you have today as well. Can you kind of explain that for the viewers?

Eileen Durfee: Sure. So, if you order the portable sauna bundle that comes with the lamp and the travel bags and the tent, the bamboo mats, you know the glasses and the hanging apparatus. Everything you need, we will automatically send you the folding bamboo stool with the matching travel bag and that is finished with the same FDA-approved for a cutting board in your kitchen. So, it's you know, nontoxic. So, you'll get that for free. It sells for $185. And then if you order the yoga sauna, we will include the Breathe Safe. And this just is, well, you don't have to do anything. You just use that coupon code and my shipping department will add those items for free.

Nick Baboulas: Perfect. That's very generous of you but I think everybody appreciates that. And again, thank you for today for explaining kind of the stuff that you do in terms of your different gizmos. And I know there's gonna be more that you're going to add. So, I'm intrigued - I'll be honest. I'm intrigued in terms of your peptide kind of skincare lotion that might be coming out in the future to see kind of how that works as well. But overall, thank you very much, Eileen for all your expertise today. And thank you guys for listening and watching. Follow, Like and Subscribe to this channel as well too. Have a great day.