Joanne Bentley: One of the things that really stood out to me was a presentation by Eileen Durfee where she was talking about the benefits of a sauna. And I had read about infrared saunas, but there weren’t any here in Cache Valley. I am just trying to figure out what that meant for me. And it was like a light sort of turned on in my head and I thought, I need to get one of these. So, I organized my finances, tried to make arrangements. I came back the next day. And I said to Eileen, I want this one, I want it and I want it today.
So, it was kind of fun. I took it home. It was bit of a brain teaser for me to figure out how to put it together. But I used it every day, sometimes twice a day for the next year. So, I was really excited to see Eileen here today because my life is kind of in a different space. I'm healthier, I'm stronger. My mind is more awake and I just feel like the information that I gained from the conference, the tools that I learned, it just made a really big difference into my approach again to wellness. It was like the light bulb turned on for me.
Emilio Palafox: Huh, taking a break from work, doing the naked sauna, of course, getting full benefits. Look at this, how tall this is, doing the yoga, workouts, breathwork, meditation, some Blinkist stuff, some audiobooks, I'm loving this.
Christa Rymal: Creatrix Solutions sent us this sauna very graciously and very quickly. I would highly recommend this sauna. I'm taking full advantage of it today. Here's what I'll tell you. It is the hottest infrared sauna I have ever been in. And I am going to tell you like I've been in here probably five minutes, and I'm already really hot. So, it's pretty big. I'm just gonna do a little spin around here. Saunas have been around, gosh, through for hundreds of years, and there's been a lot of different studies out on them in regards to longevity, heart benefits, immune boosting benefits, mitochondria benefits, Human Growth Hormone benefits. And what I'm looking for right now, which probably all of us are is, just some detoxing. Like whatever we can kind of start and get rid of right now is a good thing.
Todd: Very grateful to have things like this again, when I'm not allowed to leave my house. I'm able to stay healthy, get my heart rate up. I'm able to do yoga, of course, my body temperature up and stay in a hot environment. So, I go from here to my ice tank back and forth. And that's kind of my protocol right now and getting some running in when I can but it's kind of iffy right now. In times like this, I'm very grateful to have this Near-Infrared Sauna where it's hot within I mean, 15 seconds. My Far-Infrared Sauna I have in my garage, it can take 45 minutes to heat up.
Female: … going into the Creatrix Solutions infrared sauna. It's a Near-Infrared and it is so amazing. Look at her face. She's so happy.
Female: I'm so happy and so hot already.
R. Brooke Smith: We’re sweating hardcore in here.
Emilio Palafox: Whoa!
R. Brooke Smith: Just been holding the plank for hours now.
Emilio Palafox: Self-induced fever.
R. Brooke Smith: Absolutely. Sweating out the toxins.Emilio Palafox: Sweating out whatever is out there.
R. Brooke Smith: Absolutely.Emilio Palafox: Yeah. Now, I'm gonna do some red light Near-Infrared, Mid-Infrared sauna. Look how big this is. I’ll do some naked yoga, fitness movement, breathwork, meditation, grounding. Hardly no EMFs in here, gets hot immediately.
R. Brooke Smith: This Infrared sauna thing is amazing. And I have impact theory in the background while I'm in here doing yoga and meditating and reflecting and stretching and sweating my face off.