Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Alright, everybody. Hey, it's Dr. Rimka. And I have a very special guest with me today. If you've seen any of my videos on Instagram or Facebook, you'll often notice I'm sweating and I'm in kind of a red glow. It's because I'm in my sauna pretty much every single day. At this point, I love heat stress therapy. And this is the woman who's made my life so much better with her incredible sauna. That is my absolute favorite. And I've gone on and on in many videos about why I like this sauna better than any sauna I've ever had or ever used, and why I always tell you, it is worth you making this investment to have something in your home that's a powerful healing tool. So, this is Eileen Durfee. Please say hi. And again, people who know me will know why. But we're going to break down this sauna. Well, even just sauna therapy, you know, Eileen, like why people should get in the heat.
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And then we'll break down maybe the different types of saunas and go with what makes you unique. And why they should consider, you know, getting a sauna and looking at your brand.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, well, thank you for having me. I mean, we've talked on the phone. I've seen all your wonderful posts, and you know, you really engage with your followers. So, it's a pleasure to be here.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, I am happy to, I’m, I’m happy to be here. And part of why you see me doing that is, that sauna helped recover me from a really bad round of mold illness. And it was critical. It was a critical tool that helped to get me back on top. So, you know, thank you for making a very good product that was very affordable, and highly effective, effective and nontoxic. Like that's the thing people have to understand. Sometimes they're poisoning themselves inside the saunas. And so, that's the thing they don't think about. So, let's talk about what got you into the heat, let’s say.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I think you have your own story around this.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah. Because I've been a gizmo woman forever and with my background at nuclear powerplant quality engineering and everything, it's like, I go to sleep like my father does. He's a machinist, and an engineer and stuff. And you know, we just wake up and we see the better solution. But I, I've been sick my whole life. You know, from the time I was born, the doctors rank - yanking me out with forceps to having twisted hips wearing special shoes, being in pain my whole life. And I grew nine inches in three months.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!
Eileen Durfee: And, and then I was walking in a parking lot and a car ran over me. You know, then after a silver amalgam filling when I was 20 years old, I became allergic to everything. I had Candida, thyroid issues, psoriasis. I just couldn't think. I mean, I was a mess. And so, I just had this underlying feeling that if my body had what it needed, that it should work, that I don't have to be, you know, trapped into these medications forever.
And so, I just, you know, because I, after the nuclear power plant construction era, I went into land development and building houses, running construction crews. And so, you know, I, I just spared no expense of trying everything. And I think I got my own sauna. It was just the infrared sauna and about 2000. And, you know, there's a lot of different types of saunas out there, you know, and I've tried them all. And, and when I started doing all in 2011, I started doing hair analysis, you know. You start detoxing a lot more, and I heard about near infrared. Of course, I'm like going man, I got this really nice, expensive wooden box sauna. You know what, I'm sweating good. I'm feeling good. I really didn't understand the difference. But I decided to give it a try.
You know, the heat lamp bulb because like you see at a buffet, you know, I'm like going okay, you know, we'll give this a try. And you know, day one, I, you know, I just used a small room at the time, you know, a small bathroom. And I didn't sweat that much but it felt pretty good. Day two, sweat a little more. By day three, I was sweating a lot. And I don't know. This energetic feeling that’s just like real clean, cleanness and just, you know, peacefulness came over me to the point where, you know, I never took a far infrared sauna since and my son was at the University of Washington.
He's got a biology degree and did a lot of chemistry and everything and I'm going, oh son, why is this near infrared so special? Of course, he was studying photobiomodulation and how light certain wavelengths react with cells. And so, I read about all that and I'm going, Wow, this is like amazing. And so, you know, you start out, you know, with using Canvas and all this kind of stuff. But, you know, with the heat lamp bulbs, it didn't get as hot as what I was used to. You know, you felt really good, but you didn't get that drenching, drenching sweat. And so, I just started experimenting around with some radiant panels because, you know, light travels at the speed of light. You know, and I just started thinking, what if it couldn't leave? You know, because the -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Couldn't leave like what you were in, is what you're saying, right?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, I couldn’t get out, you know, because, you know, mathematically you start, you know, every minute at the speed of light. You're getting that much more phototherapy. You know, how's that going to make your body respond, you know. And because that near infrared light spectrum causes your cell. It's a powerhouse of mitochondria. I mean, that's why we have life on planet Earth is because sunlight has near infrared and causes photosynthesis. So, we want that going on in our body because normally, for us to make cellular energy, we've got to digest food and, you know, with everybody's poor gut health and problems, you know, what's the number one problem in America? Lack of energy. People are fatigued, you know. Look at the coffee consumption and energy drinks, you know. So, that's, you know, the first sign that we have an imbalance. And so, when you can just relax and shine some light on your skin to get that boost of energy, man, it just, it feels so good. So, I wanted to maximize that effect when you're in there.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So, let's back up a little bit. So, people who are listening, right? They've heard of saunas, and kind of like, you go in some kind of box, right? And there's some heat source, right? And there's going primally, right? People have sweat lodges, like the Native Americans that are like using heat has been going on for a very long time, all around the globe –
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.Dr. Stephane Rimka: In some type of enclosed structure, creating some type of heat source to create a cleansing, detoxification, and even spiritual growth, you know, journey often, right?
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So, there's this, lot of times, there's like a sauna war. Everybody wanting to prove what's best. I know that's a big one. Right? We have these traditional Finnish sauna, right? This, like this kind of where, where most of the research legitimately does come from. And so, I tell them, that's fine.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And you know, I'm not oppo - I tell them, well, I think it's a great healing tool. If, if you live in Sweden, and they are on everybody's house, and they're the - made the right way. I will go in them and I will get healing, right? For Americans and Canadians and stuff, like we don't live that lifestyle. And so, what people have gone to because it's cheaper and effective, are like wooden boxes that are infrared, right? So, let's –
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Maybe can you explain a little bit of what, what that traditional kind of sauna is, versus the infrared box, which I had one of those two. Why that's different there and then over here, we have light bulb based near infrared, which has middle and far in there going on too. So, I wanted to kind of like do a little bit of compare and contrast. And then –
Eileen Durfee: Sure.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Then we will spend a little time on to what you have and what I use. Why I, why, why you and I think this is probably the, the superior method. And then we'll get into why yours is very unique with the tent, because that was a big reason why I chose yours as opposed to a canvas model, which are very popular. And, and have you know, but I'm like, mm, there's a reason they're not as effective because of the shielding they're using. So, maybe you can just break those three down a little bit?
Eileen Durfee: Oh, sure. Well, yeah, for 1000s of years, you know, they’ve like built fires, put rocks, been in tents to generate, you know, heat. There's been a lot of studies. They say that if you take five, at least five saunas a week, you are going to live seven to 10 years longer, and you're going to be healthier during that timeframe. So, it's like undisputed, that heat stress therapy no matter how it comes from, whether it's just high ambient heat or whether it's through far infrared wavelength or near infrared wavelength. They all are great for you. And with a traditional Finnish sauna, and you might recognize one of those from like maybe a gym in America or a hotel. They actually have like, you know, cedar wooden walls, benches.
There's like a heater in the corner with rocks, that people pour water over. And so, the purpose of pouring the water over those rocks is just not to raise the humidity but if you have a good kind of heater, because not all heaters produce the right kind of ions in those saunas or studies about that. But when you're pouring the water over the rocks, you're generating large amounts of negative ions in the air. So –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: What do those do?
Eileen Durfee: They – Those, those do a lot of things. But with the traditional sauna, keep in mind that it has the highest ambient air temperature, like 180 degrees and higher, and it's harder to breathe in there. But when you are inhaling negative ions, there was a study from Europe where they had. They were testing out these types of heaters with the rocks, because some of the brands, because of the metal components, or whatever the design of these heaters were generating positive ions, and people were becoming more fatigued and it wasn't good. So, they were like, you know, trying to figure out which ones are the better therapeutic effects on the body. And it was the certain kinds of heaters that generated negative ions.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Let me just say a little word. So, you guys, a negative ion is like an antioxidant. It's a - and a positive one would be like a free radical, what the words they would think of? What's going to make you inflamed, the positive, the cation inflammation. The other one, the negative brings down inflammation and helps support healing. It's like standing on the earth, breathing in the air in the thunderstorm or at a waterfall. Those areas are full of negative ions. It's part of why being in nature is so healing for us. It's because it literally is taking away like radiation inside our bodies. Okay, so that's what's going on. So, some of the machines you are saying are actually producing the opposite of what we're wanting, and the cations are actually causing more inflammation and damage. Okay?
Eileen Durfee: Right. And so, they did this study, and they found out that if you inhale 20,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter, keep in mind, on the freeway in LA, you're lucky to have 400 negative ions per cubic centimeter versus out like, you know, a meadow or the beach or like you say, in nature, you're going to have 5000 negative ions per cubic centimeter and higher at waterfalls. And so, with that being said, they found out that if you were inhaling that amount of ions, your rectal temperature wouldn't go down. So, one thing we have to realize is, our body is oh, it's always trying to seek balance. It’s kind of like referred to as a homeostatic balance. And so, when your body starts to heat up, it tries to cool itself down and the first thing that will happen when you get in a sauna, unless you're breathing negative ions is, your rectal temperature will go down. Well, the whole purpose of a sauna is to increase our core body temperature kind of have a hyperthermic effect. And so, they found out that, yeah, inhaling the ions. They even said that half the benefits of a sauna is the ion component.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Hmm.
Eileen Durfee: And they –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That’s a benefit. That of, of a traditional Finnish sauna done the right way. There are high negative ions in there.
Eileen Durfee: Right, right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And the wrong way can be the opposite.
Eileen Durfee: Exactly.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay. I don't think Infrared Saunas have any negative ions -
Eileen Durfee: No. And that's why I have my Breathe Safe. We’ll talk –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: … about that.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, I see it behind you. I have it too.
Eileen Durfee: You know, so I just want to maximize. I want to stack our hacks. When we're doing something. You know, let's face it. We're in the 21st century and life keeps lifing and it just doesn't stop. So, if we want to be intentional about our health and wellness, we got to do things simultaneously.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. We got that heat with the negative ions, traditional Finnish sauna. I'm not knocking those when they're done well. I tell people, I'm like, if I travel and the hotel has one and I'm gonna get in it you know.
Eileen Durfee: Right, right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Then you know, bit bigger, more money typically. You know, I know people are building you know, not everybody can build one of these things in their backyard. Not everybody has a yard. You know –
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: A lot of people are living in apartments and then townhouse.
Eileen Durfee: Oh and the power, you know, you have to preheat those things.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: So, I mean, I evaluated how much it would be back in the year 2000. And it was going to cost me over 300 a month to have one of those in my home for the power. Well, you know how the power has gone up since then. And so, it's an expensive proposition to have a traditional Finnish sauna in your home. But the other benefit I want to explain is the skin surface temperatures were hotter, and the sweat volume doubled coming off the person and then they interviewed everybody, how do you feel? The people without the negative ions were, you know, like experiencing some fatigue. And you think if you were, had twice as much sweat, were a lot hotter, that you'd be more uncomfortable.
They actually reported that they were feeling relaxed and good. And you know, then after they got out of the Sauna, a strange phenomenon happened. Their rectal temperature continued to rise, because of inhaling the negative ions, and it changed the electrolytes, you know, profile. And so, it's just huge. But the one thing I noticed, you know. So, so that's the traditional –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: Sauna. But then you know, I went to the popular box, the far infrared sauna.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.
Eileen Durfee: And it's considered a dry sauna. But, as, and I used to have to preheat it for 30 minutes, and I would stay in there for 45. And the ambient air temperature -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That was the same way. You have to preheat it a long time, 45 minutes to an hour. I, I didn't even break a sweat until about 45 minutes into it. So, I would go about an hour, hour and a half. I was like, This is –
Eileen Durfee: I -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … interval. So, the timing and the planning.
Eileen Durfee: Or you turn it on and something comes up, and you gotta leave.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, it was tough. I had one for years and one of the best on the market with one of the lowest EMF. That's a whole another issue of toxic solvents, paints, chemicals and the woods, or the glues that people don't –
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … think about as well as the electrical conduction of what might be happening in the walls, what's happening with you. The electromagnetic radiation. So that, those are issues with those. There are good ones on the market that are decent. I tell people, right?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right. Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: You know, you probably have that one and I probably had that one. But if there was, there was a downside to it. So, so there's those. No negative ions, though, unless you're putting one of your devices or something you have.
Eileen Durfee: Right, right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay. All right.
Eileen Durfee: And so, the thing that I noticed when I would stay in that sauna, like you said, you know, 45 minutes to an hour and a half, you'd really sweat. So, even though it's a dry sauna, the humidity rises. And I read another European study of analyzing sweat. You know, like, if you are exercising, you know, that's activating the sympathetic, dominant nervous system. And then, you know, if you're in a traditional sauna, you're more activating the sympathetic, you know, because of the extreme heat, but more in the infrared saunas. You've, actually you're activating your parasympathetic. You know, so it's more of a healing, relaxation.
So, then your body goes into detox mode, and the sweat from that kind of sauna had a lot more toxins. So, I started thinking about, Oh, my gosh, hey, I'm working hard to sweat all this stuff out, and I'm rebreathing it. And that was part of the Breathe Safe, because it has the capacity to really clean the air of volatile organic compounds and all the stuff we're sweating out. But yeah, so I, I really loved my wooden sauna. But that was before I knew about EMFs. You know, then I got my meter and I'm like, going, Holy cow, this is like off the charts, two heaters in front of one, two on my back, the control panel, the control blocks. I mean, it’s just like EMF everywhere. And I'm, I’m like going, oh my gosh, sure, I was like trying to do something good for myself and -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: The invisible poisons are the words. I thought they were the things that you don’t, that you’re not seeing as really like, Oh, right. Wave form.
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay. So, you measured yours and that's the thing people don't think to do you know, and I, we’re trying to explain. So, I'm curious about, so when you try the light bulbs in this bathroom, right even after a few days –
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That feeling. And what did your son say to explain? What was the difference of having actual real light, you know, light bulbs with near infrared concentration, some middle and some far hitting the skin and having that different effect.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Because you weren't really getting as much detox at that point, you know, as much and I'm curious about that transition, because then –
Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: We built the tent and we really, you really got into it.
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So, what did your son really explain to you that made you go, Oh, I get it?
Eileen Durfee: Well, he's, the bulbs also emit red light, you know. Red light, near infrared, those are the rays that actually biologically react with the cells where far infrared actually, it like begins to like vibrate our water molecules. So, it doesn't cause our cells to produce more energy, but it's increasing the heat, which is still healthy. But he said you definitely by far, you know, if you had to choose, you'd want to get the heat stress therapy from something that is activating your metabolism, you know, with the ATP and, you know, building the collagen. And, you know, the nitric you know, oxide for the dilation of the blood vessels for the things that the near infrared light does for your flexibility. And just that, you know, the anti-aging effect, you know. Additionally, you know, all saunas are going to be, you know, burning more calories. But yeah, he really went into you know, the benefits and –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: And if you're gonna do something -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Photobiomodulation, really. Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah. Then – and because -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. The red bulbs are like just that single red heat bulb. I mean, well, I have a really old version. The new versions are much better than what I have. So, I, I have one of her like older, older models, but the thing is still banging. There's not a thing wrong with it. I mean, it's years and years old, used almost every day and it works amazingly well. I never even changed the light bulb. But that bulb is like, you know, the poor man's version of red-light therapy of the LED panels, which I do use and sell, but I - I start patients, even Eileen with one bulb, you know?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: You know, single, single red bulb therapy. I'm like any, any of my patients, any family can afford one bulb and a chicken coop, you know, breeders clamp, and use red light therapy on their children, on their bellies you know, to calm the nervous system, activate the vagus nerve, create a little bit of gentle detoxification, right?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Just do them. I have parents do that like I’ll read the bedtime story like this under this heat lamp, and that baby will sleep so. And by baby, I mean any child.
Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Sleeps so well. And I've had so many mothers send the email or the, you know, message. I'm, I’m going to name my next child after you because that, that kid slept 8, 10 straight hours. I slept the best that night. There's no waking up. You've changed our lives because now the kids sleep all night and it's amazing. And I'm like, I know. So, you just kind of took it the next level. But even that one bulb, I've seen it used. I've used it, you know, for 15, 20 years with patients. It's a very potent little thing. So, that's your first step. Then if I can get them to upgrade to a sauna and everything else, right?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: It’ll be a better effect. So, when you take several of those. You, you had your - you had - how many bulbs in the bathroom did you do? Did you do four?
Eileen Durfee: I had four. I had four.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay. All right. But she's created and designed this light clamp thing that you guys, you can buy just that separately. Like some people will have this box sauna. They said, Well, I got my infrared thing. They'll heat that thing up. They'll get it super-hot pre heat. Turn it and it'll have her light bulbs in it. Have the light bulbs, go inside the infrared, turn it off. So, now –
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Now, you're not baked in any EMF. And then you use the light bulbs. This is how Joe Mercola does it now. So, he's got it super-hot. And then he's using the light bulbs to stay in it. So, it's like the best of both worlds, you know what I mean?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: If you own, if you have a sauna, maybe you can still keep that and you add these lights. Right? You can just add the lights, kind of, I've had patients hack like closets and kind of turn it into their mini saunas until they can buy your tent. Right?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So, you can actually piecemeal this bit by bit, you know, and get it together how it works for you. Right? So, let's go to the next step of like, how you built the tent. And this idea of the speed of light because most of what's in the market for these bulb tents, they're, they're, they're pretty but they are Canvas and the light and the heat is going through. Yours does something different.
Eileen Durfee: Yeah. You know, I started there, you know, with you know, Canvas and, you know, I'm shocked that there's actually companies out there selling a sauna with a canvas that's not organic. Because when I was talking with my son about the, the modified cotton that we have now, it's like the cells of the plant actually released pesticides, which are subvolatile organic compounds. And when you mix heat, and pesticides in a sauna that you're breathing, that, that's like really taboo. That's like something you should never ever, ever do. And so, you know, doing the organic material, I started off with some organic fleece, but, you know, again, you know, having to preheat it for like a half an hour, 45 minutes, as soon as you open the door, you know, you gotta rush in there. And it's just not working. And so, I actually played around with some insulated panels that I like lined a whole shower and tub and lowered the ceiling and got in there.
And then I was, you know, feeling better, but it just wasn't enough. And so, I got some panels because like, in Europe and other countries, instead of using the batt insulation that we use in our homes. They have this material, that's like five layers. So, they have a clear layer, like space blanket material, you know, like your emergency blanket is really thin, it's like an aluminum. And then they use bubble wrap with another layer of space blanket material, and then a polymer layer. So, it's encapsulated, and they make this stuff up to like R50. You know, not all of it –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: What does that mean? What does that – what do those numbers do?
Eileen Durfee: That's sort of like, if you're going to build a house, like in Washington state, so that you can retain your coolness and you know, your heat inside your home. So, your home can be conditioned. Like, the R value is a rating for insulation as far as how resistant your house is to retaining heat or blocking, you know, cold from coming in. And so, like a home will have like walls of R21, you know, some ceilings, it really depends on where you live. Everyone has a different, you know, building standard. But so, I started playing around with and the tent that you have Dr. Rimka came with an R4 insulation rating. So, a lot of the heat would still escape from the tent. But with the addition of the radiant material, the light would bounce. So, you’d be retaining that light, exposing your skin cells over and over again so it like maximized the phototherapy. So, you wouldn't just be sweating because of the ambient air temperature in the tent.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.Eileen Durfee: You know like, you’re still, you know, I would always preheat it to get a, you know, a better sweat. And I had a - I have to thank my customers. They give me so many good ideas. And that's the thing is, if anybody has an idea, let me know because that's why my tents are so different than you, the one that you have right now is because it's like, I always want the better widget. So, I'm changing things constantly. But I had a customer who had your tent, which is 4 ft x 4 ft x 5 ft. So, here I am 6 ft. I have to crawl in, sit down on a stool. You know, then it would work fine. But you couldn't lay down and some people you know, with their backs, they really can't, you know, sit for that long a time and -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Or just fatigue, right? Fibromyalgia, kind of -
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … fatigue or mold illness. It does take some effort to you know versus now you can lie down and you, you can have daily –
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … configurations in yours. I was like wow, that's powerful. Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: Well, so a customer flipped her sauna on the ground and put the floor against a wall and then she laid diagonal. So, I'm going, oh my gosh, and I fell asleep. And then I knew how to do brackets and everything to have it like a little transformer. My grandsons are playing with their transformers and I'm going like, well, that's what I could do for the tent.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: So, my son is 6'5 and I am 6 ft. So of course, I made the sauna so he can stand up, you know, or lay down.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: You know, so instead of a 4 ft x 4 ft print, I made it 3 ft x 4 ft. So, you still have the 4 ft distance so you can put the lights, you know on the 3 ft wide side and, and you're still sitting like you need to. And then with the brackets, you just flip it and you can lay down and then hang the lights from the ceiling. And so, I made the, you know, the hanging bars that come with it. And, you know, so I first had a prototype with the same R4 and then I had a problem. I had a lot of people complaining the silver thing with the red, cotton webbing looked obnoxious.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: It's a little bit space age, but I'm like, Hey, I'm like, I guess it could be prettier. But I don't really care. You know what I mean? But yeah, yeah.
Eileen Durfee: So, I started investigating because they wanted to have a cover.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: So, I started thinking about sewing like a curtain cover for it and all this. And then I came up with the idea, what if I had like a woodgrain additional film that I can have them laminate on there to change the whole look of it. And then change, you know, the webbing and all that. So, I played around, because I, you know, used AutoCAD too and, you know, Adobe Illustrator, and all this, like when I was designing houses. So, I was playing around with woodgrain patterns and everything. And I went through several different types of patterns and came up with one and we laminated it on. And so that's when I checked into because here's the tents can be a little bit bigger, as far as the cubic volume, 3 ft x 4 ft x you know 6'5" is a little bit larger than a 4 ft x 4 ft x 5 ft.
So, I'm concerned about pre-heating, you know, and keeping it warm enough. And so, I went to the thicker panel. It has actually bigger bubbles. They didn't even make it into America at all. So, the rating, it's got a Class A fire rating, okay. So that's the other thing is, let's say, God forbid something the, the sauna had a malfunction, which I have liability insurance for. But you know, then, then that tent would retain things in there. So, it's got a class A fire rating. And then it has an R12 insulation value. So, when I - and then so I was still concerned about that. So, I created a drop ceiling. And there's a picture on Instagram we just posted that shows that proves that the light can't travel out of the tent, because in the drop ceiling, there's no light above that panel.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, cool!
Eileen Durfee: You know but that's so that we could get it hot enough, because I didn't know. So, now almost no one uses that drop panel, but it's included in there. Because you know, in my new sauna, without a preheat, in five minutes, it's 120 degrees. With that drop panel, you can get to 190. And so, you know, a lot of these sauna places are hypothermic treatment centers. You know, they're trying to get skin surface temperatures up. They're trying to get rectal temperatures up to like, you know, 102.8 and above. Well, it's like if somebody wants to have that therapy, and that's why I think the Lyme disease communities love and only recommend my sauna is because they're achieving the higher rectal temperatures, you know, in the tent, because with that drop panel, you get to 190 degrees. You know, most people don't need it like that. And then the adding of the Breathe Safe, that actually increases your rectal temperature more. But I evolved with that design. So, even I have families with two people in the lay down position. They put their heads at opposite ends. And they could lay side-by-side in the new tent.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And that's just the regular one. That's not the exercise.
Eileen Durfee: Right, right, right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right. I know you got this other like –
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!Eileen Durfee: Bigger.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: You know that you can put like two light sources in.
Eileen Durfee: And I have to thank –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, and I have to thank another customer who had two of the tents that you had and zipped them together.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: And then, then, they were doing exercise poses and they're going, man, I wish I can stand up. And I said, and it was Jenn Bodnar from Exercise Digest. I said, Okay, so what size is ideal because she has a short little thing. And, and so, you know, still the 6'5 height. And then the same width, three feet, but the length is like, instead of 120 cms, it's 240. So, that’s 7'11 and some change for inches in length. And so, then again, I was concerned like, you know, not everybody does exercise. So, I created a middle partition to cut it in half. So, it's just like the standup version of the small sauna. So, they can you know, get a real good sweat on and even created a drop ceiling for that as well. So -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That’s just to make it get hotter so it can -
Eileen Durfee: Hotter.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, to get hotter faster and everything.
Eileen Durfee: Give the, give the customer more options.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I have the old one, you guys. So, like, this is all – like this, I don't have these new ones and I've been in the west that long like, wow. So, I got the R4. I got the old ugly, you know, spaceship, I don't care. I sweat. I rarely preheat it. I mean, I might, you know, sometimes I'm preheating, sometimes I'm not. Okay. I sweat so fast so much in this thing. I used that to sit 45 minutes on my other. I had a $6,000 one of your top of the line. I've told people. I had a sauna light and I had a very nice, good sauna, one of the ones I consider safe. You know, not one of the lower EMFs, no toxic glue - glues. It's, it's a quality infrared sauna. Over $6,000 I had to pay somebody to set it up. I had to pay an electrician to get it wired, right? This thing from you, I set up myself in about 15, 20 minutes. Just no special anything.
You plug it in, I pack it up all the time. If I traveled all over the country for a while, two, three weeks or anything like that. I always give it to somebody. I'm like, well, somebody needs to take my sauna. I mean, there's no reason for it. So, somebody can come over, we pack it up, they take it to their house for a month at a time. And then they bring it - it's like, it's that easy. Okay, like it's, there’s, I don't need any help. I don't need any assistance or a carpenter or anything like you do with the other ones. I sweat so much within - it's not five minutes, I don't think where you’re like, this is unbelievable. You know, and so I'm done in 20, 30 minutes usually is a max. So, I'm in that somewhere in the 20 or 30 minutes. I'm walking. Zip, sit down. Zip, wash and get it done, you know. So, time efficient, so effective. So, and that's, I'm in an old R4.
Eileen Durfee: Are you using the Breathe Safe in there with it?
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. I have the Breathe Safe. Yeah, I got the whole shebang. I got the bamboo floor. I’ve got the whole kit –
Eileen Durfee: Do you have it?
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I have the Breathe Safe, yeah. All the time. Knowing it’s even better, you know, insulated better. And so, it's reflective you guys. So, it's like this, you're kind of like, like looks like tinfoil that your – it’s still that inside that looks –
Eileen Durfee: Yes.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: Yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So, the, the light what you’re seeing is, it bounces off. It, it's like you just put up panels to reflect the light. So, like you're still being bumped. So, you got the, the things in front of you, and you're, you’re rotating around how you do this. But then it's bouncing everywhere. So, light is hitting me like the old school, remember? Remember, people would hold the, the 10 things to get a tan like that?
Eileen Durfee: Yep.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That’s what’s it’s kind of like you're doing, right? So, she's got this bigger one, bigger than mine. You got this big exercise thing, which would be great for, right? Even I think commercially, people to be using offices, to be using or exercise places.
Eileen Durfee: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: I had the lay down version at home that I was using, and I moved the exercise tent home. And so, I had read a study, you know because I was like 183, 185 pounds. I'm six foot tall. You know, so, even though you look at my videos from years ago, I mean, I didn't look like I was fat. But I was overweight, really for my age, my frame, you know, but I just changed after I read a study from Germany where these women rode bicycles for 40 minutes, three times a week. I mean, this isn't a vigorous exercise program, right? 40 minutes, three times a week. They had a group just ride bicycles and they had a group ride bicycles with Near Infrared light shining on them. And the group that had after a month, so this wasn't very long at all. The group that had the light on them lost a collective amount of 8 cms in the circumference of their body, had less pain, lost weight, but their bodies contoured.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Was it just light?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, light and in open.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … like a sauna. Okay, wow!
Eileen Durfee: In a, in an open room.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: And it was interesting because, you know, we - when you think of our bodies, we have an overall metabolism and because of the circadian rhythm, it, you know, it's faster in the morning and it slows down at night, you know, but then we have cells that have their own metabolism. And fat cells, of course are where our body puts a lot of toxins to store, to protect our organs, but those cells have a slower metabolism. So, what they found with the body contouring and weight loss from these women, is that the Near Infrared light was causing the fat cells to burn the fat for energy and it was just slimming them down.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Was it causing any browning, any beiging like a white fat to beige and to brown fat? Was it, was it a -
Eileen Durfee: They didn’t study –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.
Eileen Durfee: You know how it was happening.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.Eileen Durfee: They were just measuring the circumference –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: The weight. There was less pain, they had better blood sugar, you know, levels, you know, but that was the extent of that study.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.
Eileen Durfee: But you know, so I started figuring, well, bicycles, any movement. So, I started, you know, doing stretching, everything like that. I started the eight-hour eating window, going out, you know, drinking my one cup of coffee a day, watching the sunrise.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: It is light therapy, you guys because I'm very into the sun. So, what these bulbs are, is a tech version of sunlight, right?
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That's why working under sunlight with a lot of skin exposed doing hard work is heat stress, because people get hot in the sun when they exercise. That's a form of heat therapy as well. I'm moving in light. So, these red bulbs are like, mimicking sunlight that – and, and as you said, we are, we are lacking in sunlight. I think that's where it felt so good. Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: So, I didn't change much of anything else.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: And in a year-and-a-half, maybe it's been closer to two years now. I've lost 38 pounds, and I am a size six now, instead of a size 14. 12, some 12s would fit me tight but and I just feel so much better.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, it's a massive upgrade of metabolic health, right?
Eileen Durfee: Yes, yes.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Your waist, your waist, the heights are comf – the, the ratios are better. Your, the blood sugar regulation or insulin will be lower. Your C-Reactive proteins gotta be lower. Your homocysteine is probably better. All of your metabolic markers. Right. So, then your immune system modulation and some people will just hook on that. And again, women, you know, hey size 6 but with that is, she's stronger, she's more resilient. She is more bulletproof to all kinds of stressors thrown at her whether you, you believe in contagious, infectious things, whether you, you know, her body puts cancer in check better now. All of - you know, she's, she's more efficient and effective at how she does everything. So, our system can take care of any problem, because it's not tired.
Eileen Durfee: I didn't do that to try to have some kind of massive weight loss. It wasn't – and my goal was to get healthier. But reverse aging, I'm going to be 60 years old, you know, and it's like, so for me, it's important to grow older, but feel younger.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: And so, that's, you know, why I did it and, and the consequences, you know, it's, it’s a great payback, you know, for –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: For the time but it's like it's enjoyable. A lot of people go, well, how do you have time, you know, because I mean, I drink ozonated water, do a coffee enema, do my sauna. And now I'm, you know, really the last year been incorporating some, you know, weight, you know. So, you know, my bone density and my muscle mass retain, because that's a big thing in aging is, you know, having adequate protein, maintaining your muscle mass. So, you know, I've been doing that, but it’s just -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Do you lift inside the sauna at all? Do you ever do any?
Eileen Durfee: Um, I haven't recently but I did, you know. I have -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Or imagine resistance bands is actually - would be really comfortable. So, for a lot of older women, I – moved maybe towards band?
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Like a three-bar Harambe. Like that way, you don’t have to carry that much in there and the bands, you can, you know, do some exercise -
Eileen Durfee: I just I do a lot of like body weight exercises.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: You know, because I know as women and stuff get older and stuff, you know, they started like, oh, yeah, let's go to the gym. Let's like workout with weights and they hurt themselves, you know.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: So, there's a lot you can do with you know, your own body weight.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, a Prism workout. Yeah, it's just, and that's what I'm doing right now. Just like we're just doing Prism workouts, you know, pushups and dips and squats. Believe it or not, you said you squat. I do do that because I got the short sauna. And so, at times, I'll just, I must kind of sit here and squat 100 times because that’s where I'm always trying to get my thighs. I'm like, I need the light on my thighs. And I will probably make that up. Right. I'm one of those people. I have my indoor soccer shoes from when I was 16 years old and I'm 49. So, I'm like, they still work. So, I still, I still have my Adidas indoor soccer shoes. I'm like, why would I get rid of them? Unless the soul is ripped off, I'm gonna still wear them. So, I am kind of that person of, well, I already like I would never buy a new thing every year. You're really - I'm really wanting that exercise one now. I'm really like –
Eileen Durfee: Oh, and, and –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: It would be so good to move inside of that.
Eileen Durfee: Yes. It's so healthy for you to move. And then, you know, then I have people who are taller like, you know, Tyson Ross, he's a Major League Baseball Pitcher. He's 6'8". So, even in the exercise sauna, he has, he has to like duck down.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!
Eileen Durfee: And then there's other people that are really into exercise and every pose. And they, you know, when you're 6'1, you can't go in the exercise sauna and go like this. So, I designed a Exercise Height Extension Kit.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh –
Eileen Durfee: Because it is Major League –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Is that out – is that coming out at all?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, basketball players that want the sauna. And I mean, they're all tall. And so, I kind of -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I love it how and you’re just, you’re just this engineer. I love this guy. You know it’s like engineers have a whole another way of, that they think in case you guys are not. I do brain imaging, QEEGs. And every time we have a brain map, you can kind of go, one of the things, well, it's a certain configuration, and we look at each other like, well, is this an engineer? And they go, yeah. I go, then, she's totally normal. If it's an engineer, that's how they all look. And it doesn't - it's actually, don't, don't mess with them because their brains look different. You guys really are different. Alright, so you have an extension now. I'm gonna ask you something that maybe you don't want to promote. But I heard you saying when we talked. Something is coming out that you don't have on the site, yet. You have some little tiny sauna that's coming? Or what's happening? What did you say? Is there a -
Eileen Durfee: Oh, you know, some of the new, smaller saunas, just during the manufacturing process, you know, when they were sewing it, there might be like, small cuts on the inside or like little hole punctures. So, I'd always, you know, either replace the panels or give the customer a discount, you know, to keep it - everyone's always taking the discount to keep it but that frustrated me. Even though it's only happened about seven or eight times, you know, I, that just disappointed me, but it never happened on the outside of the tent. And the woodgrain, you know, laminated layer is a lot thicker than the inside. So, I upgraded the inside of all these 1000s of yards that I had to buy.
So, the new convertible tents that are coming by solving my problem, because I didn't want to have any damage on the inside of the tent. It actually increased the R value from an R12 to an R15. So, the new tents made out of that, you know, material have a greater insulation value. And I haven't let anybody know that, you know that you know, when they buy that, you know, that they are going to be getting that, you know, in the future.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.Eileen Durfee: The exercise tent inventory that we have is still the R12. But what we did with the exercise tent is now, we've got a band. We have like, six little extension poles. There's actually a video on YouTube, of how to put this on. And then you know, you attach it around. And then even somebody who's like 6'1 can completely raise their hands without touching the ceiling.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!Eileen Durfee: And then the taller players, athletes can use it. But then you really need to have double lamps to Sauna Fixture so you have the eight bulbs –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.
Eileen Durfee: And that tent, you know, it's just going to be more versatile now. And that's like an optional feature, you know, that people can get.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Awesome. Well, why don't we end with you know, any final words on just a little bit of what makes Near Infrared in your sauna? And I don't know if you want to talk about the blood shunting or not?
Eileen Durfee: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, you know, and coupled with the Breathe Safe, the plasma ion. Why this mix, why this, this biohacking stack of yours is unique? Why don’t you end it with that so they can really get it? Why this is different than some cheap one-off thing at Costco?
Eileen Durfee: There are even like really nice brands that have caught on to the fact that Near Infrared is healthy. Unfortunately, what they've done is, they've just added a few LED lights to say, they are full spec and that they provide Near Infrared. But when you compare the bulb spectrum sheet, it starts at 550 like two to one mountain climbs up to 1100 and then begins to drop down and then levels out at like 3000.
I didn't go test pass 3000 but from the chart, it looks like it's gonna go about 3400 nanometers of light. And so, you're gonna feel the effects like you had a sunlight and it was probably the full spectrum or whatever. Combination with the light not being able to leave, maximizing the phototherapy, but having the different spectrum where most of the bulk of the intensity of the nanometers are in the range, that's most therapeutic. For Near Infrared, it is like even if you look at K-Lasers, they're using their certain nanometers of light that react on the body more beneficially, you know, to repair, to reduce pain and inflammation and all that kind of thing. And so, that's why you're going to feel a huge difference with the incandescent bulbs.
The other thing is, is in those other saunas, the ambient air temperature around you, your whole body is constant. Now, with my new tents, you know, the temperature is pretty hot. You know, it can get pretty hot all around, but it's still hottest, where the lights shine on your body. And when you're new to this kind of sauna, a weird phenomenon happens. When you get in there, you're only going to sweat on the side. You know, firstly, you're going to sweat on the side of your body that's facing the lights. And, and why does your body do that? I mean it, it, it's a homeostatic response again. It's actually going to shunt blood, to vasculate your tissues so that water can escape from your bloodstream to cool down the surface of your skin.
So, of course, in a sauna, we don't want to cool down, right? That's why I say drink water before, drink water after. If you have to drink water during your sauna, that's fine. But you know, you're just extending the time you should stay in your sauna. If you do, and so then we teach people to wipe that sweat down because after all, it's, you know, cooling you down and then you rotate. Then your body has to shunt the blood towards the light again. So, it's like double the circulation effect. So, that's a huge benefit, when you know, the ambient air temperature can be hotter on you know, one side of your body than the other. Then, then you'll be vigorously sweating everywhere. It'll just be a matter of minutes.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, by the end, you can’t -
Eileen Durfee: You cannot, you can’t escape it. And then the other thing is, is you know, that toxic, humidified sauna sweat. Why re-inhale that? You know, let's get some negative ions in there so you're getting hotter, faster anyway and feeling more comfortable. And, you know, then you know, you're just going to have huge benefits. The thing about the Breathe Safe.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: So actually, I'm going to point it out to people who are visually looking. So, right behind her, you see a little green light. There’s a small, little device. You can't hear it, you don't notice it. It's so tiny. There's an adapter, you can put it in your car. Okay? I have done that. I take it with me when I travel to hotels and stuff. So, I can clean the air and give myself a lot of ions wherever I am. So, it's very, very tiny, tiny, unobtrusive. I've got one in my office just like that as well.
So, I have more than one. But there's, it's an upgrade, right? It's an extra thing you add? You don't. So, she's not forcing you to get it. I highly recommend you do and I highly recommend you use them in your house like this. It's a, it's - tell them about this device because I think the, the return on investment and the cost is so extraordinary, especially compared to other things I see on the market that are nowhere near as good. It's a very impressive device. So, tell me what's going on with that thing. Because I'd say if you get the sauna –
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Get the Breathe Safe and put it in there.
Eileen Durfee: Well, I was on an airplane and I was in a lucid dream and I saw it on my tray table. Of course, I don't have it FAA-approved. Do I take it on airplanes? Yes. Do I use it because I saw it with the power bank. You know how like, you know, you have those gizmos that you can plug your phone in when the battery's dying or your tablet, because it only consumes three amps of power. So, it can run off of a 20,000-milliamp battery for 72 hours straight.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!
Eileen Durfee: And so, that way it makes it very portable. You can take it with you. But you know I first got it because I wanted to clean the air and to provide those negative ions for the sweat because that was shortly after I read that study about the 20,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. And you know so this is different. You know, everybody's familiar with the negative ion generator, but there's a new thing on the block called plasma generators. And see, like even Sharp has a thing called a Plasma Cluster and they make equal amounts of negative ions to positive. You know, so, on in an air purifier, that's actually a good thing because it's like this invisible electron cloud that is exchanging negative and positive. In the process, it’s colliding and destructing contaminants in the air. But with like the plasma cluster, you know, my invention is different because it doesn't make equal amounts.
I have a boosted circuit that produces 9,100,000, negative ions, and 4,550,000 positive. And when you do that, with that special ratio, we're not creating toxic ozone in the air. The reason why the plasma clusters are only making 15,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter is because if they, in equal amounts raise that they start generating toxic ozone. Okay, so I got rid of the toxic ozone aspect. And so, you have all this exchange of the negative and positive but since we have so many more negative ions leftover, then it's more beneficial, you know, to you know, for inhaling it and things like that, and unbeknownst to me, it also increases background oxygen levels, 70% to 118%.
So, I actually had this family, where, you know, they had a lot of asthma. And this person got a hold of me and says, Eileen, I noticed when I was having an asthma attack, and I breathed over my Breathe Safe because I love the smell of it, my Asthma attack stopped. And so, I have a whole bunch of people that have those things on battery packs, and they say, Hey, if there's a disaster, that's the first thing I'm grabbing when I leave the house, because they can do a crossbody bag on the battery pack and put the Breathe Safe here and go places and not have breathing distress.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!Eileen Durfee: And so, then you know, we're doing exercise, we're doing deep breathing, we need more oxygen in our body. So, you know, also breathing that oxygen, when we're in the sauna helps us. And also just because we're in the 21st century indoors, our heating and ventilation system is stripping negative ions out of the air and oxygen out of the air. And so, it's just, you know, an awesome thing when I'm on my TreadClimber. I put my Breathe Safe there so I'm breathing the oxygen as I'm exercising. It just really helps.
Then I had people, you know, because you've got all these smartwatches now that measure your oxygen saturation at night, and you know, we have a lot of mouth breathers. So, people are taping their mouths, or they're, unfortunately having to use CPAP equipment for sleep apnea and all this kind of stuff. And so, I've had people getting a hold of me saying, Eileen, you know, I've just had this low oxygen 87, 88. And, you know, I noticed when I just you know, I, I turned my Breathe Safe so I could actually, you know, laid it on its side in my bed to where I could inhale it.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!
Eileen Durfee: But she says, my monitor says, my oxygen was 92, 93. So, that's statistically significant. And then if, if people want to read the reviews on the website, there's people talking about how they no longer mouth breathe, that it cleans up their whole sinuses, and they're just sleeping for the first time. And so, there's a lot going on with that little device that is more than just for use in your sauna. You know, so I mean I sleep with it.
I remember going to my cousin's house and I got there and I spent the night because I was doing a trade show. And oh my gosh, walk down in the basement. They had problems with water infiltration in the mold. Literally, my lungs were closing up. I slept with that Breathe Safe like six inches from my face, and then I wouldn't have a reaction and then I'd wake up hardly being able to breathe where I turned. So, I repositioned it and then I never stayed there again. It's like some people don't even realize the mold in their home. But it's, it's just a lifesaver. You know and you can have multiple ones or you could buy just different cords so you can take it with you or put it on a battery pack. If you notice when you buy the Breathe Safe, there's a double stick Velcro tape in there. And the reason being -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And that was so long ago but now, that’s that. Okay.
Eileen Durfee: I stick that on the bottom of one and I attach one of those battery packs to it.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh!
Eileen Durfee: So that way, I can –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: But did they come with an adapter for that, for the USB?
Eileen Durfee: The same cord.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, oh yeah. It's right. It's that little thing. Because you know what, now I, now, you've just upgraded me. I'm going to try really hard because I just keep it in. So, I keep it like where my sauna is. And I just, I don't use - that Breathe Safe, when I'm in it, I get it. Now I, I keep the door open. So, it is aerating the whole room.
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I keep it in my garage, which is like finished. But I'm like really not getting as much benefit. Like if I, if I had it sitting here right now, you know, that one's kind of wasted unless I'm out there. So, you’ve –
Eileen Durfee: And –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: If I can just learn to take it, you know more cuz I have one in my office. But I, you know, I'm like, oh, I should put it in my bedroom. And -
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, and now because you brought those years ago, we have a brush, where it's easier to clean. But if your plate is pitted at all, because if you forget to clean it with the dirt on there, it'll pit. Then it'll produce less. So, we have replacement plates too.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay. I probably need to check that. I probably - I will say I'm one of those that maintenance isn't my strong suit. So, yeah, so you do have to clean it, you guys and, and it shows you how to do that. But now you got brushes to make it easier. Okay, yeah, I was –
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … tipping and sometimes I’ll. Alright, I'll check. I'm gonna check and see if my plates are pitted.
Eileen Durfee: Cuz you could be getting more.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, I might need to do an upgrade. I'm sure I need to do a lot of upgrades, you know, but I love -
Eileen Durfee: So, we have a –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … every second of it.
Eileen Durfee: We have a bundle that is one Breathe Safe with six Ionic Refreshers. I'll just quickly tell you about that. My son is at college. He had roommates where they had those Plug in Glade Air Wick things.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh.
Eileen Durfee: And when you look at the ingredients on the Health and Human Services, and they actually cause cancer, you know, but they're at miniscule levels. But the, the fragrance. I mean, they don't clean the air at all.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.Eileen Durfee: So, it's like I decided to create a little device that plugs in. It looks like it but there's no maintenance other than just wipe it down. And it uses metal impregnated carbon fiber tips to generate negative ions. Yeah, it only produces I think 32,000 negative ions, but they're actually more effective. Like the Breathe Safe, the lab reports, super high at getting rid of small particles that a HEPA filter can't clean and volatile organic compounds. But it only kills like 48% of pathogens in the air. And it, you know, but it produces oxygen. I mean, it has more negative ions leftover so that there's a place for the Breathe Safe that the Ionic Refresher doesn't replace it. But the Ionic Refresher kills like almost 90% of pathogens in the air.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Huh!
Eileen Durfee: And it reduces volatile organic compounds, but it's easier to clean them in the Breathe Safe. So, I use a combination because it's silent air purification. You don't even have to buy replacement filters.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.
Eileen Durfee: You know so I –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Like how often you have to clean it? How often you have to clean those?
Eileen Durfee: Oh well, I gave some to my son. And he calls me up and he says, Mom, there's a problem. The wall is completely black. What happened? Your, your device is defective. And I said, go over there and wipe it off. That's dust. You're supposed to like once a month –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.
Eileen Durfee: Clean the area.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: So, it's super simple. You just because –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: Dust will collect on it –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay.Eileen Durfee: And it draws, you know?
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. I like that, nice and small. There’s a lot of good things in the market people say and I'm like, some of them are big. They're loud. You know, I've had many HEPA filters in home and my office and things like that. And I love the results I get with my Breathe Safe. I have a whole house. Actually, Hydrogen Peroxide, UV light filtration system that I did -
Eileen Durfee: Oh, yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … with mold - because of the mold.
Eileen Durfee: Right, right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And not that expensive. But like I had to pay somebody to put it in and I'm not taking it with me really. I'm like, you know, it's not gonna –
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: This is beautiful because again, if you're - if you’re living in - a lot of people are buying RVs and traveling around. I had a patient appointment today and they just traveled the country in an RV. This can go with them everywhere they go, you know and hotels and when you visit your mother or your mother-in-law. And like I'm keeping my room clean and I'm keeping my air well for myself because you never know like I, I. Like you, I've been to places where I've walked in and said, Gotta go. I, I know this world. I can't do it. I gotta tap out because once you've had a reaction, you know most people if they don't know if you've had that, you become much more sensitive to it and it's a no go.
So, it's important if you've dealt with some of these like chronic illnesses and mystery diagnoses. These might be some of the, the extra hacks and your bio hacks or things that you're missing. What’s in the air, how can you up level the, the negative ions, you know, increased oxygen intake that might be just the thing that's going to move the dial further for you to have an up - health upgrade, you know.
Eileen Durfee: I read a study about air in cities that’s more polluted. And those people have more fat around their waist, unhealthy abdominal fat, just because they're breathing, you know, unhealthy air, more polluted air.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, oxygen and more toxin. I mean, it's –
Eileen Durfee: Yeah.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: What, what – you know what I mean? That's stressful on the system, and that is more toxic. So that is what the body does, you're gonna have a cortisol, you know, stress response. So, it's much easier to put belly fat and fat, like you said earlier, a lot of people don't understand that fat is there to save you to sequester toxins away and keep them away from things like your brain and your heart. So, you know, there, there’s - it's saving your life and doing the best it can under some really hard circumstances, you know. And like just that, just those simple things. And just like traveling, like flying in an airplane. I mean, it's very low oxygen and you're inhaling air that's being recycled from the engine. So, it's very toxic air inside a plane.
Eileen Durfee: Oh, yeah.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: There’s, there’s nothing to do about it, right? So, several people have lots of hacks around how you, you know, use oxygen compressors, and things like methylene blue and things, what we're trying to do to help the body still function in the face of low oxygen. And low oxygen, since around the time. So, if you're gonna - we've mentioned the COVID already. We get in trouble and banned for things. But that's been a big thing about low pulse ox or any little thing you can be doing to help upregulate the system because there's just not enough air. I mean, oxygen in the air, when you're in congested cities. That's really becoming –
Eileen Durfee: That’s right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: … an issue. And so, part of it is, you have to teach yourself to breathe. Sure, we have distressed breathing, and shallow breathing because of, of chronic stress. But it's - part of it, I wonder if it's just a learned response to the system having no - too low oxygen. This is the percentage of the quality of oxygen in the air. So – getting your home as safe as you can is a, is a good start.
Eileen Durfee: And people don't realize that your body is so smart, it selectively shuts down things based on hierarchy, like it'll protect bone marrow over joint cartilage, for instance, because you know, your brain tissue over other stuff. And when we don't have enough oxygen, cells begin to lose protective enzyme coding.
Now, when the cells have that protective enzyme coding, the more resistant to pathogenetic, you know, infections. And then, you know, when they lose that enzyme coding, they're more susceptible to go awry, to - you know, to need to be recycled, or maybe going to, you know, a cancer imbalance. I mean, we all have cancer cells in our bodies. Our bodies are just recycling them because our immune system is in tune. And so, when we have lower oxygen, you know, we become like a jalopy where it's like refusing to replace the alternator in your cars. You're always jumpstarting. You're driving it without the headlights. Yeah, you're getting at point A and point B, but, you know, it's, it's not as good. And so –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Right.Eileen Durfee: Breathe Safe is a really good hack you know, to add.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: This is like, you're multitasking. You've got to work so you can be increasing your body oxygen levels, with working instead of being in the intentional, deep breathing state or meditation.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: You know, so it just adds.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, no, I'm excited. I mean, it made me rethink. I put so much credence. I know, I know it’s there. I know, it's the thing in helping me. You know, I'm always like, it's the light and the heat. And I'm like, Oh, right, I do have this other thing in there really giving me this incredible, you know, synergistic healing because I, it's - a sauna is truly one of my –
Eileen Durfee: Oh!
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Favorite things to do, you know.
Eileen Durfee: Oh my gosh, I forgot to mention one other upgrade –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh!Eileen Durfee: … that your sauna doesn't have that the new ones do. Well, the old bamboo mounts didn't have the radiant backing on the bottom. So, the new ones do but you know, I kept on having people ask me because one of the other saunas says, they're a Faraday cage where it's actually literally grounded and you know what it was like. I think a $3,000 upgrade to get one of those. And so, I'm sitting there thinking, I'm already EMF blocking. I mean, if you tried to use a remote to the TV and your - the tent was in between the TV, it just wouldn't work. I mean, it blocks signals already.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: So, it's just the cotton webbing and the zippers break the metallic, you know, envelope of the tent. And so, I just put metal snaps on the tent and provide little cables that just kind of jumper so that way you can connect all the panels. And likewise on the back of the bamboo mat, the different panels and then I give you a long cord that you do –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, grounding?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, the round plug –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh man…
Eileen Durfee: … into the wall outlet. So then, you're like grounded in a Faraday cage and I didn't increase the price for that. But for another sauna that has Canvas, no R value, it's 3000 more to have that benefit, but it's included in the Sauna Fix system.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow! Okay. So, first of all, so I'm familiar with like all the earthing mats and I mean, on that rug, that blanket right there that's grounded into my wall port, stuff like that, right? So, we're getting that right, we're simulating standing on the earth is what we're saying.
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Truly, like a Faraday cage blocking all Wi-Fi -
Eileen Durfee: It dramatically reduces it. Like I've taken my phone in there, and I can't connect to the internet.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Okay, that's what I’m saying.
Eileen Durfee: But it will, but it will still ring, but it'll be a really spotty call.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Gotcha.
Eileen Durfee: So, it's not 100% blocking.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. The Faraday cages are expensive. I’ve looked at shielding my bed and it's like $3,000, $4,000. And I was like, yeah. So, I've hacked it the best I can, because I'm like, they're not playing around with how much they're charging for that.
Eileen Durfee: Sewed with the, the cotton webbing with the zipper, you know, so there's a leak.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: … you know, where the zippers are basically.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: But it's like huge as far as -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow! So you're grounding at the same - that is really, really, really cool because I do sell grounding blank - you know, rugs and all kinds of things. And people who are into that will know like David Avocado Wolfe is super into this and other people. So, you'll see us when we speak or do things, we are barefoot and often their stages are being grounded. Dave Asprey is super into this. His place in Santa Monica, the bulletproof that – well, they - he has a different grade - upgrade, upgraded labs, everything's grounded. So, if you sit down everywhere, everything's plugged in to ground.
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Ground you to discharge all the static electricity, all the cations off of you to basically infuse you with antioxidants, free electrons that can grab your –
Eileen Durfee: Right. Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: That is really potent. Oh, man, you really put some beautiful, beautiful stacks and layers in there. I appreciate how much you are driven, you know, by, by curiosity and –
Eileen Durfee: I –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Upgrading and changing and doing this and not being married to your old design.
Eileen Durfee: Oh, never.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And you’ve been willing to be proved wrong or –
Eileen Durfee: Oh, absolutely.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: How can I get better? How can I do this, you know.
Eileen Durfee: Once I find out something's not good anymore, I gotta fix it and I got to quit selling it, you know.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Oh, dopamine driven.
Eileen Durfee: This is just –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I love your dopamine.
Eileen Durfee: This is not about just making money. You know, this is about helping people. And it's an evolution. I have five patents, issued on spinal fitness equipment. We just brought on 34 new products. And that's a huge passion of mine after growing nine inches in three months and being ran over by a car. That's a whole another story. But when I was down in LA for the Superbowl for a whole week, you know, and I'm answering customer emails, I have to thank customers, I'm - for my new. So, I came up with two new inventions that I needed to patent, two more products I’m bringing out just over the weekend.
I can barely keep up. You know but yeah, so you know, we have to look at our whole organism, what we breathe, what we drink, what goes on our skin. That's a whole another thing. We make a whole skincare line. And then you know, even if you eat clean and you know do everything healthy, you're gonna accumulate toxins, hence the sauna. So, we got to you know, get it out. I mean, I've got a fantastic castor oil wrap because I bought every one and hated every one and came up with one that’s just absolutely fantastic.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: I'll have to try yours. I’ll have to see because I'm recommending a lot of castor oil packing and I just, I don't have a -
Eileen Durfee: Oh my gosh, here's one that doesn't leak. You can like wear it and workout and you can even put it on your belly and heat it up when you're in the sauna.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah, I glanced at this and I was like, wow, there's a lot going on here. She has a lot more things but, but you know, because I'm just like, get the sauna and the Breathe Safe. I was like, people ask me, and I’m like, I haven't reviewed at all. I can't speak to everything, but I - He's smart. I am impressed. I -
Eileen Durfee: And if you, and if you're taking daily saunas, you have short hair. So, it's not so bad, but my hair gets dried out in the sauna. So, that's why I came up with the organic sauna hat. So, my hair doesn't get like dried out and then you know you sweat even faster. And you know, I was just visiting with some people. They have a hyperthermic center. And you know how much they charge for hyperthermic sessions? So, basically, you could get either the big or the small tent, but use the partitions with the drop ceiling. Have the Breathe Safe in there and a sauna hat and you are going to have your own hyperthermic treatment at home. I mean, this is just huge, you know.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: And they were saying, especially for the clients who've got leukemia, you know, systemic issues instead of spot treatment for hypothermia. But yeah, it's, it's just a whole thing you know we have to look at and then the thing that, you know, is a real passion of mine is back pain. In America, low back pain alone, that's not the neck problem is $100 billion a year problem. What people don't realize is, you can't change muscle attachment points to the bone. And so, when those muscles are tight, it's an emergency. The body's going, I don't want you to drift out of shape anymore. But then we're trying to loosen those muscles, everything we can to get rid of the pain, and we're not fixing our structure. And then do you realize how many, how much energy your body's burning just to keep your body from falling flat and to keep your posture from drifting more? So, how much less fatigue would you have if you had the proper curvature, to exist in gravity and I tell people, it's like, you know, people who aren't doing something to restore their curve. It's like eating candy and going to bed without flushing and brushing their teeth. You know, there's simple things that we can do every day. And so, I'm coming out with a whole bunch of videos because it's a new thing. It's called Spinal Fitness. It's not CrossFit. It's not Pilates. It's not -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: We call it spinal hygiene. That's the old term. You know, I'm a chiropractor and the spinal hygiene is, there's like, like, people ignore it. Even chiropractors who’re like, you know, there's old school things, actually, that you should be teaching your patients to do. So, they need us less and less. By the time they're coming into us, it's because you have like sleep hygiene. You know, you have horrible sleep hygiene. You have a horrible spinal hygiene, you know like –
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: This is what's going on. Your hygiene period. It's not good. So, yeah.
Eileen Durfee: But I, I, it's fabulous with the new equipment. I went down to the Super Bowl –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: And I met with UFC fighters and NFL players. And I always tell, give me five minutes and I'll give you four to 11 inches of reach. And so, I go through. I have them bend over, you know. A lot of these UFC fighters can't even touch their fingertips to the ground. They're so stiff, you know, and they're hunched over from their fighting positions.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: And then I have them jump up. A lot of them will like land forward or backward. That is a sign of, you know, bad posture. I’ve them raise their hands, look. Hamstring, how tight is your hamstrings –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: Because when you're in neutral posture, it's zero effort of hamstring is where you want to be. So, then I have them do a specialized sit-up over a fulcrum called the Power Cushion that was originally used with the US Olympic team and the NFL teams by Dr. Scherger who is the one who saved me after being ran over by a car. And then we do the pelvic tilt. And there's a video, there's a post with Chito, the UFC fighter. And then there's an after shot where, okay, he was like two inches from the ground, he couldn't touch his fingertips. And he's like reaching with half way down to almost putting his palms down. So, he gained like about over four inches of reach in five minutes. And he's like going, oh my gosh. You know, it's like everybody. I had one guy that got 11 inches of reach. He's like a runner that just, you know, has a really low flat back, you know, but, but we have the Neck Shaper for the neck flexion which actually, when done properly induces low back curvature.
A lot of people are saying, put your shoulders back. It's like no, get the head position over the hips and your shoulders go back automatically, you know. And then we have these rolls because Dr. Scherger used to teach me how to fold a towel and there was a groove in the middle so your spinous could float and the edges catch the transverse process and you'd roll them and put them under your you know, neck and then one inch above the iliac for the low back but after you did a spinal twist so you can change the discs from like a sponge to a gel. Then when you lay over them, muscles relax and literally your bones will shift and then the discs go back to a sponge state so encourages the posture. So, we have the five different diameters for the neck and the back and the three different densities. So, I was doing videos on how to size people, and then how to get –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Wow!Eileen Durfee: … the neck size to encourage the curvature. So, we have a lot of stuff, a lot of new stuff.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. I appreciate Eileen, you spent the time teaching about all the differences of sauna and how has the Near Infrared light you have in the red rays coming off, with our pretty inexpensive bulbs. Kind of a low tech thing that a lot of people want to overlook, and how potent and powerful it is. And, and I appreciate you so much for, you know, just continuing to upgrade the product. And, and put quality and health, you know, first. And I'm glad your accountant told you well, profit does matter. Otherwise, you're gonna go out of business. So, some people were a little surprised that there was an increase from what I had spent. But if you don't realize something's going to increase in price after 10 years, I'm not sure what to tell you. I tell everybody like -
Eileen Durfee: Well, we have organic cotton now.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: We have better zippers. I mean -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. Grounding. Faraday cage.
Eileen Durfee: We’ve got a bamboo.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.
Eileen Durfee: Thickness on the mats. You know -
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah.Eileen Durfee: You know, there’s just so much stuff that we’ve improved.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Yeah. There’s a big – it’s like the, the beautiful commercial upgrade, really for. So, I encourage, you know, business owners, chiropractic offices, exercise studios, wellness centers. You know, sauna is a great, you know, therapy that people are going into places to, to use. And they're always going with the same wooden things, you know. And it's like, like, there's actually something better out there. But it's just new for them to realize it. They don't know about it, you know.
Eileen Durfee: Right.Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And so, I hope some of my friends, you know, my colleagues are looking at this and understand better why I keep advocating for something that's not the most, like most mainstream thing out there. And I do think it's better. I think it is the best choice, because I think you'll get better results in, in less time, you know?
Eileen Durfee: Yeah, actually –
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: And less -
Eileen Durfee: If somebody would just try it, they'll never go back.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: No. Everybody, I – every patient, they're like, oh my God, it's awesome. And I’m like, I know. Why do you think I want to go in every day? I've already, I planned my day today like, uh, when exactly am I doing the whole like exercise sauna thing? Where, where, where can I squeeze that animal? If I just start early and I’m like, okay, I'm gonna do it later in the day. I like to start my day, that, that way, but sometimes it's got to be a little bit later. So –
Eileen Durfee: Right.
Dr. Stephanie Rimka: Thank you so much, Eileen. Thanks, and have a good one.